Chapter 5: Robot

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    it had been a week since daichi told me he liked michimiya.

i didn't go to school or practice in all those days. after daichi left that day, my body just kind of... shut down. i went to sleep immediately after, and in the morning, i just couldn't get out of bed. i couldn't find a reason to either.

i stayed in bed all day, not bothering to move or check my phone. i had put in on mute so it wouldn't bother me for the day. but, little did i know, one day turned into two. two turned into four. four turned into a whole week.

i didn't come out of my room for a week.

well, i did. sometimes. to go to the bathroom and get something to eat, though rarely would i eat anything. my body just couldn't really handle it at the moment.
it was as if i was a robot. lifeless. emotionless at this point.

it was as if my whole existence depended on daichi. and if he wasn't with me, my body would just neglect itself, and i would just.. die.

but then... then it all changed.

January 28, 2021
(A/N: hey hey heyy guys🤺✨ short chapter, i know. well, even shorter jksjsjsj💀 but oh well, what can you do about it🤷 anygay i'll try to update later once again to make up for the short chapter. if it doesn't come out today, it will in the morning {well depending on yer time zone but yea}. well, see yall in chapter 6

Maybe? || DaiSugaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang