We find a good spot near a tree, because some of the girls want to full advantage of our settings by tanning and some have brought books or magazines they would like to read under a shadow later on. Guess that's what you get when you go out with five women. Fights about the right tree sizes and in what way to settle the towels.

I keep my gaze on Bella through it all, who couldn't possibly look any better than she does right now. She is gleaming under the sun, her skin bronzed up by it to gilded fucking perfection. She's wearing that fucking bikini top again. The black one. And if that wasn't bad enough, she's put on some kind of glowy substance over her cleavage, making them beyond tantalizing them they've ever been. Her succulent legs are hidden behind a long black and white beach skirt with a split on the side and a bow thingy that wraps over her stomach. Her face is so beatific and purely her, hair all big and chaotic, beachy as she called it. I just handed her the duffle back I was carrying for her and she pulled out a towel to lay it next to mine. I don't know why that delights me, but it does. She could've carried it to her girls' side on our left but she decided to remain adjoining me.

She notices me staring and halts her actions. ''What?''

I shake my head and try to keep my ridiculous grin at bay. ''Nothing. You just look good.''

Her lips finally twitch up to a smile I was afraid I wasn't going to see today because of the sour mood she's in. ''Thanks. So do you.''

A teasing quip about her being shallow because I just took off my shirt is on the tip of my tongue, but I refrain. She's anything but shallow. I smile appreciatively instead.

Silence falls for a moment as we watch the girls run up to the water, Joshua running up behind them and screaming for them to watch out for the volleyball players throwing the ball around.

''Are you going to tell me what's been bothering you today?'' I eventually mutter.

Her eyes are still on her friends. I can see them clearly because she forgot her sunglasses at home. Soyana gave her the scolding of a lifetime for it too, something about her being a wrinkly mess by the time she's thirty.

She couldn't care less.

''I want to swim.'' She declares.

''Lets do it,''

I'm about to push myself on my feet when she speaks again. ''You go ahead, I can't.''

I feel the pleats over my face deepen into a frown. ''You can't?''

She just nods.

''Are you gonna elaborate?''

She side-eyes me then looks down at her... crotch area? ''You're a smart man, Dominguez. I don't think I need to elaborate.''


Oohh. Alright...

''Oh,'' I burble.

''Yeah, oh.'' She concurs. ''But seriously. You go ahead.''

''I'm not leaving you on your own.''

''She won't be,'' Nara appears, hair and face wet from the dive she just took. ''I'll be here. I need a tan anyways, been in kitchens all summer. I look like a damn ghost.''

I nod once and spin in my ways. Josh's got an arm around Ivana's shoulder by the time I catch up to them. I eye them puzzled, but soon come to understand he's trying to get some idiot surfer boy off her back.

''Yeah, that's my fucking girlfriend,'' He presses. ''Got a problem, man?''

''No, not a problem.'' The ugly ass blond deeds Ivana with a hand. ''You just don't look like the type to let your girl walk out the house lookin' like this,''

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