''I gave her the week off. Her daughter just had a baby.''

''What did I tell you about being soft with your staff? You can't just agree to that kind of thing, you know.''

I don't desist this time. I freely roll my eyes at him. ''It was my idea, actually. Her daughter's a single mother, she needs all the help she can get.''

He looks baffled. ''You sent your PA home... willingly?''

''That's what I said,''

He shakes his head, baffled, then looks back down on the papers around his desk. I'm thinking we're done here.

''I'll fax you your ticket, I rented a jet that'll land somewhere around JFK.''

I have no problem boarding a regular plane, but alright. If he's already got one rented I wont contend. I nod and look up at him before I decide to stand up on my feet. ''Was that all?''

He's already typing away on his iMac so the nod he replies with is kind of pointless.

My thoughts are all over the place as I stroll back to my department, but the major one's on Bella, like it has been since I met the damn woman. I still cannot believe she invited all her friends to the beach for tomorrow. At least she didn't ask any parents and made a family trip out of it. I would've definitely ditched.

Joshua was right. This was my first attempt of actually asking a woman out on a date. Failed attempt, but nonetheless. I guess you gotta start somewhere, right?

Sure, I've asked women plenty of questions. When are we getting out of here? How far away's your place from here? Fingers or mouth? I can go on and on with these, honestly, but that's not the point. Its because I've never desired to take long walk around the shore as the sun is settling down with any of them. I know that to them, I was some kind of trophy they would brag to their friends about the next day. Of course that brings up trust issues. There were even times I was afraid to stay the night because I thought sleeping pictures of me would be all over the internet by the time I had woken up, so I've always forced myself to slip on my pants before I dwell off. At least it'll only be my face.

Its exhausting. All of it is. This life, this image... I can't wrap my head around the fact that people truly want to live this life readily and gladly. But trust me when I say a fat check doesn't balance out the deficient components in your life. It doesn't swoop in and magically solves all your obstacles. Of course I'll be the last to admit it doesn't bind an aura of comfort around you, giving you one last thing to worry about. But it won't ever fulfill you like the things you attain that money couldn't buy.

I remember living a completely different lifestyle than the one I've grown used to. Innately, it wasn't like this. The Dominguez empire didn't build itself. Before that, though, I recall us struggling on the bad days. Some were good, some were dreadful. It was tight but we made it through. I just know that my dad had this vision I'm glad he perused. If the man's taught me anything, its to never lose heart. Guess fortitude runs through my blood.


''Its hot as fucking balls, holy hell.''

Sure fucking is.

What I'm not sure about is why Bella's been sullen and moody the whole ride here. Even now, she's griping. She never complains. Not once in all of the conversations we've had, so this is odd.

''Yeah, you'd almost think we're at the beach.'' Joshua sarcastically remarks, coming up behind her. She turns with a glare.

''Shut up, Joshua.'' Nara lobs and his mouth falls shut instantly.

Ours To Be (All Ours, #1) Where stories live. Discover now