She bit her lip. "There's a store two doors down. A little clothing store owner by a lady named Nemuri Kayama. You should try there. Tell her Momo Yaoyorozou sent you."

"Okay, thanks. I'm Y/N."

"Good to meet you."

I waved and walked out of the store.

"How'd it go?" Eijiro asked.

"Not hiring."

"Bummer. Well, I've already scored three phone numbers, so at least one of us is accomplishing something today."

"Thank you. Very motivating." I pointed up the way. "The girl told me to try some clothing store two doors this way, though."

We walked down the sidewalk and passed a doll store.

"Oh, you so need to go in there," Eiji said. I noticed the girl working inside was beautiful- of course. She had green hair that reached her hips and was tied in some sort of bow near the end.

Next time I went job hunting I was leaving my brother at home. He opened the door and a bell announced our arrival. When we stepped in, I realized this store was either on the verge of closing or on the verge of opening. Boxes lay open all over the floor and were being packed....unpacked?

"Oh," she said when she saw us. "Hi. Sorry, we're closed. Tokoyami must've left the door unlocked, kero." She handed us a card. "But if you're looking for a doll, that's our website. We're going mobile."

"Mobile?" Eijiro asked.

"As in trade shows, fairs." She continued putting newspaper into a box.

"You need some help packing up?" Eijiro asked.

I grabbed Eiji by the arm and yanked him out of the store.

"Did you see her eyes?" He put his hand over his heart and took a few staggering steps.

I rolled mine. "Last store," I said, pointing at the clothing store Momo must've been referring to. "Then I'm ready for food or something."

"I'll wait out here." When he said it, he gestured to a dancing studio next door. A girl who looked about our age, vines as hair, was inside, practicing in front of mirrors.

"I swear Eiji. You're such a guy."

I yanked open the door. The shop appeared free of any breathing person. It smelled like burning incense, but I couldn't find the source. There were a few headless mannequins wearing tiny dresses. Circular racks of clothes filled the middle of the store and more racks lined the walls. Along the back were large hutches housing small glass bottles. I couldn't tell if they were for sale or just on display. A floor lamp draped with a scarf stood unlit in the corner.

"Hello?" I called out. No answer. Just as I turned to leave, a woman that looked to be around her early 30s came out of the back room holding a coffee cup. Her brightly colored shirt looked straight out of India and her legs were clad in a wide-legged pair of dark jeans.

"Oh. Hello there." She set her cup down on the counter, put her palms together, and bowed.

"Okay, thanks."

She stepped forward and I could see that her feet were bare. "How can I serve you?"

Was this lady for real? I tried to remember the name of the store I was in. Crazy Lady Central? Had I accidentally walked into a spiritual healing or massage therapy store? The mannequins and racks of clothes would seem to indicate otherwise, but I was no fashion expert.

I held up the papers in my hand. "I just wanted to pick up an application. Um... Momo Yaoyorozou said you might be hiring.

"Did she now? I don't have applications. It's just me. This is my store."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬Where stories live. Discover now