Griffin Becket - Edited

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A/N Me again! So I don't have much to say right now, but please don't take offence at the names or anything, if I use somebodies name, it's purely coincidental. 

Griffin's Pov:

It's the moment you've all been waiting for. I, Griffin Becket, the hottest boy at Goode High School, am going to tell you about my life.I know, I know, you're all thinking "But we're not worthy Mr.Becket!". I know you're not worthy. But I have decided to tell you of how I decided that Annabeth Chase wasn't good enough for me. Though if you've talked to Annabeth, she might not say that that's how it happened. 

Annabeth is beautiful. Not as beautiful as me of course, but still beautiful. Nobody could be as beautiful as me. I have chestnut coloured hair that swoops gracefully away from my forehead. My eyes are a light, green-ish brown with flecks of a darker brown in them. So I'm obviously the hottest person, boy or girl at Goode High, but Annabeth is a close second. She has blond princess curls that she wears either loose, or in a ponytail. Her eyes are a fascinating grey colour that look like they are constantly assessing you, like she knows all of your darkest secrets. That's ridiculous though, she's just a dumb blond.

There's only one thing standing between Annabeth and I finally dating. I mean I already love her, I will always love her and only her, but there's still something standing in the way. SomeONE, rather. Percy Jackson. My jaw clenches just thinking about him. He's my only competition at Goode, and he doesn't even look good. But for some reason, half the girls that used to fawn over me now follow him around all day. And Annabeth is dating him!!!! He's obviously forcing her to. I mean, he's ugly and...and................ He's ugly!! Ugh. But I have a plan to get Annabeth to date me.

The plan has three stages to it. First my minion, Anthony - sorry, my 'friend' - has to do his thing. And he better follow through... Then, I dress up. Not like tuxedo dressing up, but not my sweaty gym clothes. And then the true masterpiece. I just have make some finishing touches and then we will activate Plan Annabeth Needs Me.

-----Shelly, the magical being, will now take you over a time skip to the next day at lunch, in the library.-----

Annabeth's Pov:

I lean back in my comfy chair in a corner of the library, reading and waiting for Percy, who's talking to the swim coach. I just started a book called Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger, and I'm at the part where Audra is yelling at Vane for giving her water when one of the jerk jocks comes over. Ugh. It's Anthony, Griffins second in command. Ha. Like Griffin would ever condescend to let anybody be in "command" except for him. Maybe I can get Anthony to leave me be. He opens his mouth but I cut him off. "Look, I'm really busy right now can this maybe wait?"

He answers immediately, almost as though he was coached. "Not really, you're wanted in the gym."

I'm instantly suspicious. Why is he being nice? And more importantly... "Why am I wanted in the gym?"I reply.

"Somebody's asking for you. I think it was your boyfriend...? Yeah, him. There was a big commotion, and he's on the ground like he was in pain"

What?! I'm still suspicious, but if there was a monster attack, the mortals wouldn't be able to see. Not to mention the mist might be covering up a serious injury... "Okay, I'm coming," I tell Anthony, maybe against my better instincts. But Percy is injured then he needs me. I mean, why else would they want me in the gym. 

When I get to the gym, it doesn't look like there was a monster attack. There are red hearts and streamers on the wall as though it's Valentines day. And I can't see Percy anywhere. Oh! There he is, standing by the door like he just got here, not like he's in pain. And I can't see an injury anywhere. In fact, Percy looks a little confused, as though he's not exactly sure why he's here. He also looks a little defensive, the way he gets when people tell him he's bad at something, or when they tell him he's not good enough for me, which has happened way to many times. He is perfect for me. Wait... I spin around to see Griffin Becket, the vlákas, holding a microphone, preparing to give some sort of speech. I knew it! We were set up.

"Ahem, ahem." Griffin says, trying to get peoples attention. It's not working very well, even with the microphone. "Listen to me, you unworthy fools. Except for Annabeth, she's not-" 

What an idiot. I cut him off. "Oh, good. Except for me, I don't have to listen to this idiot. And Percy." I storm to the door grabbing Percy's arm as I reach him. 

"No, no." Griffin starts. "Listen to me! See, Annabeth..."

Griffin's Pov:

 No! How could she want to leave! I was the hottest, the best! And Percy couldn't leave either. I'd instructed one of my lesser mi-friends to tell him he wasn't good enough for Annabeth and that he should go to the gym if he wanted to be good enough, considering she needed him and he wasn't there/ It was condusing enough that he went along with it. I wanted him here so I could wallow in his misery, in his defeat. I couldn't let them go. 

"No, no" I say quickly. I would have to improvise. "Listen to me! See, Annabeth, I tricked you into coming her so I could talk to you. You deserve so much more than that idiot beside you." Annabeth tenses, as does her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. "You deserve somebody good looking who would dangerous stuff for you, like going a week without getting their hair styled for you, so you have the money to buy something. Somebody with undying love for you. You can't even tell what's good for you, you're just a dumb blond! Leave him! Come to me."

Annabeth had been visibly getting more and more emotional this entire time. With happiness right? She walked up to me. Finally, she was making the right decision. She looked like she was seething in anger, but I must be misreading her emotions. She's probably overjoyed. Then she slaps me. In the face. Maybe she is angry. I reach for her, to sooth her, and make her see the right thing. She grabs my arm and flips me over her head so that I land on my back on the floor, the breath knocked out of me. "I will NEVER like you, jerk. I don't particularly like self-obsessed idiots who think it's okay to be demeaning to a girl because of her gender or hair colour. And furthermore, Percy would do, and has done, more for me then you will do in your entire life! Percy HAS undying love for me and I for him. Stay away from me."

That didn't go well. Then I see the principal standing in the doorway. Good! If he saw her judo flip me, then I can say that Percy jerk forced her to, and he'll punish him, and Annabeth will come to me! "Principal!" I cry from the floor, having regained the ability to speak. "Did you see? Percy made her do it, punish him!" 

Annabeth gets even more angry at that. So does the principal. "Yes, Mr. Becket, I saw. I saw you harassing Annabeth. And well - he looks at Annabeth - that may have been a bit of an overreaction, but considering your model behaviour, so long as it does not repeat itself that's fine" Annabeth nods. "However, Mr. Becket, I am not pleased with your behaviour. Get yourself off the floor and follow me to my office. I will call your father, and we will discuss your punishment."

I'm to weak to argue any more. As my 'friends' disperse, I get up and walk to the principal. As we leave, I see Percy walk over to Annabeth and ask if she's okay. She nods, and the last thing I see before the doors of the gym swing closed is Percy and Annabeth kissing passionately. I wish I had never met Percabeth.

A/N There you go, my very few readers! Another chapter done and published. I know I said I would publish on the weekend, but I was bored, and I (surprisingly) have not gotten any homework this week. But it's good that I published before the weekend right? Anyways, I will probably also publish this weekend as well, there's another chapter in the works. Please give me feedback, did you like how I did it, what could I do better, that kind of thing. Bye for now!


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