
Yes but you should work on forming good habits. One day you might come across someone that doesn't understand.


I thought you were efficient, why waste time if you know what I'm saying?


This is ridiculous, because that's the way you're supposed to write.


Periods are passive aggressive over text, it affects the tone

capitalization comes off as stiff

so do commas.

it's called being dry

It's a completely different set of rules that go unsaid they change over time but these are the ways people like to communicate online right now. If you write like that no one is going to interpret it the way you want it to be.


I refuse to change the way I write for some passing fad, you are the only reason I use this cursed yellow app. Anyone else that has any way to contact me understands that I have no intention of changing the way I write so spare me the lecture.



then ig imma j hafta do it 4 da both of us


You said we could change names on this app, yes?


yea tho dw, im sure ur bro will be able to help u out w dat



Because you are linguistically challenged and it needs to be noted.


i'm showing how well i understand the language by being able to adapt to short hand

ur sticking to de rulz shows u lack understanding and are incapable of going beyond the basic rules

ik english sucks and it be mad confuzn n while ik u might not be completely fluent yet

even u should be able to figure it out


Great. Now the heathens are asking why I look like I'm about to throw my phone into the fireplace.


Bahaha lol lmao


You just expressed your amusement in three different ways, that seems excessive.


ik but i seem to be doin a good job of annoyin u so y not


They're asking who I'm texting again.

This is your fault.


ur just jelly cause u dont got mad txting skillz like moi


I would not call butchering the language a skill, perhaps a talent. An infuriating one.


nah, def a skill

ttyl, gtg. ngl toats procrastinated on my hw


Damian sighs, squinting at his phone as if to squeeze the meaning of the words off the screen.

"What are these abbreviations?" Damian sighs walking out of the living room to get his laptop, how can these acronyms be deemed efficient if it takes the reader more time to look them up?

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