[time skip//lunch]

As the lunch bell rang, noya turned to you.
"I can't eat lunch with you today because I have to go pick up the work I missed when I was gone... you gonna be alright without me?" He questioned.
"Oh uhh yeah I'll be fine"
'It's ok, I can just find kei.'


Y/n: hey Kei, yuu is busy at lunch today, can you meet me on the roof for lunch?

Beanpole 🙄✨: sure, I have to do something for a teacher but I'll go up when I'm done!

Y/n: alright, see you soon


You walk up to the roof and wait for tsukki
hearing footsteps approach the door, you look up to see it start to open.
'Oh kei must be here'
About to greet tsukki, you froze as Yuri walked onto the roof along with the friends shes always talking to. Those three were practically incapable of thinking on their own. Combined, they had six brain cells. All of which were given to Yuri.

"Hello..." you greeted hesitantly.
Yuri walked closer to you.
"You think it's funny to insult me in front of everyone huh?"
"I mean.. yeah kinda"
You hardly had time to realize what was happening before she hit you in the face.

"what the fuck?!"
"I'd like to make sure you really regret talking to me like that" she smirked.
she threw you onto the ground and repeatedly kicked you in the ribs.
A sharp pain shot through you with every kick.
One of her friends grabbed your hair and pulled your head up.

"Ready to say sorry?"
'Apologize and they'll leave you alone, just do it, don't be stubborn, don't try fighting them. four against one, you'll loose! just apologize!'

"Fuck off." You smirked at them

'Yeah no I can't bring myself to apologize to these bitches'

The girl holding onto your hair hit you in the face and used your hair to throw you back to the ground
Feeling another hard kick, this time to your back
You heard the door to the roof open

"Get the fuck off of her. Now!"


The girls ran off after seeing Tsukki tower over them.
The boy quickly ran over to your side.
"Holy shit y/n.... I'm so sorry, I should have gotten here sooner... this wouldn't have happened if I-"
"Shut up kei, this isn't your fault so don't go feeling guilty. got it?"

Tsukki brought you to the nurses office and waited by your side
You heard the class bell ring
"Kei.. lunch is over... you should go to class, I'll be fine on my own"
"No... I'm not leaving you here."
You were too tired to argue with him on it so you replied. "Okay..."

Eventually you were given permission to go home early and Tsukki was sent back to class
"See you tomorrow" you softly smiled at Tsukki.
"Wait.. I'll walk you home"
"Kei you have class"
"Fuck class, I'm walking you home."
You could tell he wasn't planning on changing his mind, so you gave in.

"Alright fine..."
The walk home was relatively silent,
Tsukki wasn't sure what to say and you were too tired to talk.
Eventually Tsukki decided to speak.
"Y/n... you should become the volleyball club team manager."
"Huh... why?"
"Well.. you don't really have friends besides me and Nishinoya.. and I guess Hinata... You'd be able to spend more time with us. And we could walk home together on days I have practice. plus you can come to our training camp next week."

"Hmm... well you do make a convincing argument." You admitted. "And I know a decent amount about volleyball from yuu. Plus it would be nice to see you more often... I don't see why not. "
Tsukki blushed as he heard your agreement.

'I get to spend more time with her'

Tsukki started thinking about what Nishinoya had said that morning
'Maybe I should ask her out... not yet though, it has to be perfect, she deserves perfect.'
You arrived at your house and asked Tsukki to come in for tea, which he happily accepted.
It had become rather normal for him to come inside for a bit when he walked you home. which made him wonder...



"Why are your parents never here.. I mean I know I met your mom once but I've come over and stayed til' pretty late a few times and I haven't seen her since." He asked
"Oh, well my mom is usually at work or on business trips so I don't see her very often. She'll be coming back sometime today or tomorrow though!"
"Ah... and what about your dad?"
You froze for a moment.

"W-well uhh... He's been gone for a long time now."
"Wait did he d-"
You cut Tsukki off. "No no, he isn't dead... he left... doesn't matter though! out of sight out of mind right?" You smiled while putting tea cups on the coffee table and sitting next to Tsukki on the floor.
"You know your fake smile is super obvious right?"
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"You just... don't look happy, and we're friends, you don't have to pretend you aren't sad around me."
"Thanks Kei" now your smile was genuine as you looked over to Tsukki

You made eye contact for just a moment, quickly turning your attention away from him. 'Damnit why do I have to get flustered so easily?'

[time skip// about 2 hours]

After a while of chatting you fell asleep on tsukkis shoulder. Not long after he fell asleep too, his head resting atop yours.
Your mom walked into your house to see you and Tsukki, sitting on the floor asleep.
She gave the two of you a sweet smile.
'When was the last time y/n made a friend like this..?'
After another hour, you and Tsukki awoke to the sound of pans clanking.
"What's that?" Tsukki mumbled

You and Tsukki stood up and walked into the kitchen to see your mom.
"Oh sorry dear, did I wake you?"
"You did, it's fine though! when did you get home?"
"Just about an hour ago, I didn't want to wake you guys up, teen love is such a wonderful thing" your mom beamed
You and Tsukki both evaded eye contact.
"M-mom not love, were just friends..."

"Ah right! I'm sorry, Tsukkishima right? You should stay for dinner!"
"I'd love to" Tsukki smiled
After Tsukki left, you talked to your mom for a while.
"You like that boy don't you?" Your mom asked.
"I- uhh.."
"It's alright you don't have to tell me... weather or not you like him doesn't matter, he brings out that spark in your eyes. I was worried it wouldn't come back..."

"I'm sorry mom... I didn't mean to worry you" you said with a furrowed brow.
"No need to apologize love, I'm just glad he makes you happy!" She replied, rubbing her thumb on your head to unfurrow your brows.
You smiled, hearing your moms words.
"Yeah, he really does" you smiled fondly at the thought of the boy.

[end of chapter 7]

[Authors note: ahhhh sorry this took so long to release, it's a lot longer than my normal chapters, I was just really happy to be able to write more, I really hope you're enjoying the story!]

Ode to the old us - Tsukkishima x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now