I let go with my hands and her soul seeps back into her body, like the ebb of a wave being drawn back to the ocean. I hold her forearm above where the bandage is bound. I close my eyes and concentrate like I did with the small baby, but on that occasion I had Niklaus's help to guide me. Reeves is talking tentatively to Marie about treatment options and a likely stay in the psychiatric ward for a period until she's no longer a risk to herself. She doesn't look like she's listening. I block him out and try to tune in to Marie's soul. I must know whether her passing on would help her be at peace.

A small flash of light blinds my inner eye briefly before an image comes to me. A small kitchen where the benches are piled high with dirty plates and saucepans. Marie's mother snatches a filthy carving knife from the sink and swipes it through the air, keeping Marie and her brother away from her, telling the two of them to keep back else she'll hurt them.

The brother raises his hands with his palms outwards and his voice is soothing. "Mum, put down the knife. We're here to help you."

"No, you're not! You want to drug me and have me taken away. I won't let you do it! I'm fine the way I am."

"No mum you're not. You've stopped taking your medication again. This isn't you." The brother's voice is soft and reassuring.

The mother looks confused.

"No! The voices are telling me no! They help me. They don't keep secrets like you both do."

The brother edges forward then grabs the mother's wrist and raises it high above their heads. He wrestles the knife from her hand and flings it to the other side of the room.

"I told you to lock up all the sharps, Marie! You had one job to do!"

The brother's strong arms embrace and contain his mother. Marie scrambles after the knife.

The scene vanishes into black. I can't see anything this time but I can hear voices.

"Her mumma is crazy you know, that's why she's always filthy. Can't do nothing for herself."

"That brother of hers is supposed to be her guardian, you'd think he'd take better care of his sister instead of wasting his time trying to care for his mum. Should of just given her over to the state."

Everything goes quiet and as my eyes adjust to the dark I can see that Marie is asleep in bed. She is awoken by her mother pouncing on top of her and grabbing at her hair.

"I know you're a whore! You've been going out with those young boys, selling yourself."

"No mum, I haven't! What are you talking about? You're hurting me!"

"The voices! The voices told me I was bringing up a whore. That God will punish you for being so defiant."

Marie's mother yanks at her hair while Marie screams out for her brother.

"Anthony! Anthony, help!"

Anthony comes in and tackles his mother and pulls her off Marie. "This has got to stop Mum! We'll send you away if we have to! You gotta take your medication!"

Everything fades to black and I let go of Marie's wrist. I know I haven't seen the worst of it. I only caught a glimpse of what it was like to live as Marie. I want to help her; I can make all the pain she's experienced in her life dissolve and she can pass on, hopefully to live a better life next time around.

Reeves is still speaking to her about treatments but Marie looks disconnected. She has already made up her mind. The orderly comes to transport Marie to the psychiatric ward for observation. I don't follow the orderly. Instead I stay with Dr Reeves till he departs to get the file for his next patient.

Death's Captive: Will she escape eternal confinement?Where stories live. Discover now