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I swallowed, wether from fear or anticipation I'm not sure. How did she win her games?!?. It was so long ago now that most have forgotten. Even those in District Four. Did she kill her way out?, hide her way out?...something tells me it's the former. 

Rick wasted no time in pulling her into a hug and she didn't even hesitate before returning it. I had to hold in my wince. It's a slap in the face and a clear message. Finnick and Mags are going to do everything they can to get Rick out. After all, he's their family.

Rick sniffed and wiped his eyes despite no tears actually falling. Mags gave him a gurgle and patted his cheek softly causing him to chuckle. I bit my lip at the exchange, unsure of what to do. 

Mags' smile then looked around the room slightly before landing on me. She hobbled over until she stood in front of me and before I knew it her arms were around me. I didn't know how to react at first but to my surprise I found myself returning the hug. Her mouth was close to my ear and I heard her gurgle quietly. "Fin'ck is e'v yo'u". Before she smiled and pointed to herself and then Rick repeatedly.

I found a small smile on my face for her sake. When really, I'd prefer it the other way round. Why would Finnick want to mentor me? He hates me!. 

But, I felt like I couldn't yell or argue with her. Be it her kind face or the fact that she simply intimidated me as a Victor. Either way I accepted it. Mags will mentor Rick and Finnick will mentor me.

Just when I thought my day couldn't possibly get any worse Tippy in her rainbow outfit strutted into the dining cart. But what was even worse was that she was accompanied by the youngest ever Victor, Finnick Odair. 

Tippy giggled and clasped her hands in excitement. "Goodness, you've already met Mags then. Tea, anyone?".

I had to hold in my glare at her. Like we get a choice.

Dinner is...uncomfortable. Well, uncomfortable for me anyways. I'm sitting across from Finnick, Tippy beside him. While Mags and Rick sat on either side of myself.

I could feel Finnick's eyes on me but I'd refused to look at him. Tippy was the one trying to keep a conversation going. Mags had trouble responding and I'd only give one worded answers. Finnick, was kind of an asshole and ignored her. Leaving just poor Rick to keep up the conversation. 

Tippy was going on about fashion and Rick was giving her a polite smile while sending Finnick 'help me' glances. To which, you guessed it; he ignored.

Again, I don't remember him being such a dic-

"Coral, of course is one of the best swimmers in the district, right Coral?". I turned to Rick with a frown. Okay, so not untrue. I just didn't realise he knew that.

I shrugged, uncomfortable with everyone now staring at me. "Yeah, I guess."

But it's not like anyone's swam their way out of the arena before. Finnick suddenly sighed and dumped his napkin on his plate, causing Mags to tusk. "I'm going to bed".

Tippy stood as soon as Finnick did causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. She smiled softly at him. "But Finnick, you'll miss dessert".

He chuckled at her with a smirk. "I'm sweet enough as it is".

I scoffed. What a joke.

And everyone's eyes were suddenly back on me. Instantly I slumped in my seat in embarrassment. I thought it wasn't that loud...

I stared up at Finnick to find him smirking at me when I finally caught his eye. He nodded his head at me. His eyes filled with amusement. "Goodnight Coral".

I felt my eyebrows creased in suspicion. Four years we haven't spoken and all he says is goodnight!?!

I huffed, crossed my arms and stared angrily at the chocolate tart in-front of me.

 "Night, Finnick".

That night I couldn't sleep. Okay, so I'm too stressed and scared to sleep. But Finnick in the next room screaming his lungs out every two hours isn't helping. 

I sighed and wrapped my pillow behind my head to block out his screams. Before I found myself screaming back out in frustration. 

That's it!...

I've had it!.

I found myself angrily ripping off my sheets and marching out of my room and into the hall. I marched angrily up to his door about to pound on it before I stopped short. Rick was leaning on the door frame of his room casually while letting out a yawn. "He tires out by two-thirty. It's two-twenty now so there's really no point".

I felt myself frown. "Tires out?".

He shrugged. "Yeah, eventually the nightmares stop and he sleeps normally.". Rick smirked before adding. "I asked him about it once. Apparently by this time in his sleep he's killed everyone in his games, he's just simply trapped after that".

I huffed. "That's terrible!. We need to wake him".

He sighed. "No. We should leave him to sleep. Whatever sleep he gets is a blessing. Trust me".

I scoffed. "You're joking. You actually expect us to trust eachother?"

He smirked and crossed his arms. "Of course I do! We're district partners".

I chuckled darkly. "Yeah, and some district partners think it's fun to kill eachother in their sleep".

He took a step back in mock hurt. "Coral you wound me. I wouldn't kill you. Everyone else sure, but not you".

I nodded amused but no less trusting. "Well, what happens when it comes down to just me and you then?".

He shrugged and cringed in amusement. "Guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it?".

I nodded and made my way to my own door. "Yeah, I guess so". He smirked and winked before going back into his room. I bit my lip. I knew better then to trust anyone in the games. Besides, if Rick is anything like Finnick then I know at least one thing...

He shouldn't be trusted.

The Wave (Finnick Odair /OC)Where stories live. Discover now