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I felt my breath hitch in my throat as my eyes connected with a gorgeous pair of sea green ones.


Like literally fuck!.

I instantly dropped my head. 

Actually, I panicked and dunked it in the ocean. Anything to avoid the embarrassment that is making any form of contact with Finnick-fucking-Odair.

I held my breath and squeezed my eyes so they'd shut tightly. I could feel my body sink to the ocean floor, down to a soft pillow of sand and my hair flowed dangerously around me. Count it out...

1...2...3.......until I can't hold it any longer. Until I'm at exactly a minute and thirty-three seconds. Until, I'm crashing through the surface with the worlds biggest gulp of air. Until it's just me, staring out at the shore line of District Four and there's no sight of those pretty eyes anywhere.

I guess I should explain. My name is Coral Cresta. Nothing special really. Except for the fact that I used to know probably the biggest fuck boy to ever grace Panem. We used to be best friends. I know, it's hard to believe after I just nearly drowned myself in panic at the sight of him. But it's true, I swear. Best friends and then like most things in my life I fucked it up. Or at least, I think I did.

When he was reaped I said my goodbyes, like any best friend would. Except, I also declared my love for him...and kissed him. Only for him to then go on and win the games, ignore me and make out with and fuck every girl in Panem that isn't me. Thus, the ultimate 'I don't love you at all and, you're kissing skills are so bad that I must forget you by fucking everyone that isn't you'. So yeah, no wonder I avoid Finnick Odair like the plague. But in fairness, he does the same to me. 

It's not like I'm obsessed with Finnick Odair. It's more like my District won't let me forget Finnick Odair. He's the pride of the district. Youngest ever Victor and super charming, smart and the reason the Capitol is now more generous to us. More money, less quotas and better resources. All that have come into effect after Finnick won. Not that I'm complaining, it's been nice to consecutively eat three meals a day for the past four years.

Apart from Finnick, District four has little to show for being a 'Career' district. We only have one other Victor, Mags. I personally don't know her but she seems kind. Although, she is a Victor so you never know. The old lady could be a secret psycho and the whole district wouldn't even know about it.

We have an academy and unlike One and Two, only the rich kids like *cough*Finnick*cough* get to go. So, my poor ass never went. Okay, so poor might be a bit of a stretch. But you know, not wealthy enough to pay any academy tuition or whatever. 

So reaping days, like today are always a bit...stressful. For two reasons:

Reason 1- I could potentially be picked and die.

Reason 2- As a Victor, Finnick has to attend the reaping and therefore stay here, in District Four. And not in the Capitol where he just seems to 'love' it. Thus, potentially seeing him and remembering that mistakes were definitely made at age fourteen.

Once I was a hundred and ten percent sure, that no living legend was wondering on the beach I decided that the cost was clear. I made my way back sombrely to my house. It didn't used to be a house, but like I said. District Four owes allot to Finnick. 

As soon as I entered, my sister Annie gave me a forced smile. I think I cringed back at her. We shared a look. A look of pure dread. We have maybe, twenty minutes until the reaping. 

The Wave (Finnick Odair /OC)Where stories live. Discover now