» IV «

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"Oh~ come on Jay~ just a short visit." Sunoo continued to plead, whining. "Not during weekdays, Sunoo. Your parents will blame me for visiting during the weekdays if your grade decreases." "It's already decreasing because I can't focus. Whatever. Please~ just for five to ten minutes~" "We'll come over, Sunoo. Don't worry." Sunghoon spoke and Sunoo pursed his lips at him. "I don't care if you're there or not. I want Jay to be there." Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't have moved." Jake chuckled. "How many times do I have to tell you it's not my fault that we had to move?" "The weekend will eventually come, Sunoo. Now, we're in front of your class. Go on in so that we can reach our class before the bell rings." "Fine. I'll see y'all later." He walked inside, pouting.

"Gosh, I kind of feel bad for him." Jay rubbed his nape. "Just look forward to this upcoming weekend. He'll be happier than ever." I reassured and he nodded. "I suppose." Sunghoon clicked his tongue. "Jay, have you noticed any thing weird going on?" "No...why?" "I just have a feeling that a certain someone is keeping something from us." "Whoa, that ain't me so you don't have to go and give me that suspicious look." Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "You'll find it out later." He mumbled. "Hey, how about we cheer up Sunoo a little by doing our homework together at my place? Except for you, of course." I poked Jay and he frowned. "It doesn't feel so good to be left out." "That's actually a good idea." "But didn't he just say he didn't want me around?" "He said he won't care if you're there or not. You'll have Jake beside you while I do my job, I-E, cheering up Sunoo." "Adding the 'I-E' was so not necessary." Jay complained. "That's how I talk."

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"Youngjae~!" I turned my head to see my friend calling me. "Right, I promised her I would explain the formulae after school. Just a quick second." I left Jake and ran to her. "Sorry, I forgot about it." I sheepishly smiled. "It's alright. Hey, you're sticking by Jake's side more than other days. Is something going on?" She gave me a teasing smile and I rolled my eyes. "No. You're just imagining things." "I don't believe you. Just by seeing how he looks at you, it shows. It's the same with you. Look at that now, his best friend is right beside him but he's only focusing on you." She smirked. "Keep quiet and listen up if you want me to explain this to you." "Fine. Make it quick."

"I swear, if you fail in this upcoming test." "I'll try not to. Thanks a lot!" She sprinted off and I made my way to Jake, who was already with Sunghoon and Sunoo. "Let me guess, Jay had to leave early." "No. He just disappeared." Sunghoon answered. "Seriously?" "Stop it Sunghoon. No and yes, he had to leave early." Jake said, making Sunghoon hiss by pinching him. Sunoo chuckled but quickly frowned. "The weekend is four days away." He sighed and Sunghoon rolled his eyes. I smacked the back of his head. "WHAT IS UP WITH EVERYONE HITTING ME TODAY-" "It will be there in a blink. I count Friday as a weekend, so it's three days for me." "Weird. Hey, Sunoo, do you have a thing for Jay or something?" I punched his arm. "WHAT DID I DO NOW?" "Please stop butting in. Everything you say is really inappropriate and annoying right now. Go talk to Jake instead." He smirked. "Right now."

"I miss hanging out all together." He mumbled while we made our way to my place. "Sunoo, we hang out together during the breaks." "I mean, studying together in one place together like what we're about to do. We often do that, don't you remember?" "Ah- forget about that. We will all go to Jay's place later and have a sleepover there. Or stay there when there's another vacation, even better." He hummed. "Sounds like a good idea." "All we need to do is wait patiently. You can do that, right?" He let out a breath. "I'll try, I guess." He shrugged. "Great. Now let's focus on doing our homework."

I opened the door and gestured them in. "Mom! We're studying over here!" "She isn't home!" Youngbin shouted back from upstairs. "He's already home?" Jake looked at me. "He escapes the classroom as fast as possible when the bell rings so that he can dodge the girls." I chuckled, shrugging. "Doesn't he usually stay back to report stuff to the teachers?" "Oh he reports. He goes all the way to the teachers' office." "He's a busy man, I see." Sunoo spoke. I laughed. "A 'coward' I say." "Nah, he's too handsome to be a coward." Sunghoon folded his arms. "Settle down in the living room while I go clean myself up. Just start without me, I'll catch up later." I rushed up the stairs. I walked past Youngbin's room when I heard him talking to someone in there.


"Why, all of a sudden?" Youngbin continued to cough and reached for the water bottle. "I don't know. I'm just curious about her. What grade is she?" "She's just below us, tenth. This is weird though." He chuckled. "Are you taking a liking in my sister or something?" He cupped his own cheeks with his hands, his elbows resting on the table while eyeing him quite teasingly. Heeseung just smiled. "She just looks interesting." "We're not really close with each other yet so I won't bother arguing that with you. You know what, I think she's kind of interested in you too." "That can't be true. She just despises me." He chuckled. "And afraid." He added, muttering.

"I never knew you would know my mother." Youngbin laughed as he walked in the house with Heeseung. They had decided to hang out after school at Youngbin's place. "I don't really know her, but my mother does." "Oi...I have no idea who your parents are." "I'm not surprised. My mom was the one who came up with the idea of me going to school close here, because...you know, your mom lives here." "She must be really close with her. I suppose she doesn't go out often?" "Not really...after dad committed suicide." Youngbin turned in surprise. "Oh, I didn't know about that. I'm sorry." "I get that a lot. You don't need to pity me, I'm better off without him. He wasn't the best father." "I can see, let's go up to my room. My sister will be home in any minute. She won't want to see you first thing when she gets home." Youngbin chuckled, making Heeseung smile. "So this is how it feels like to be hated by someone." Spoke Heeseung, laughter filling the place.

៚ · •

"This is going better than I expected." "Hey, you never mentioned about your father." "Ah, he's always out. Comes home late and leaves early. My sister and I barely see or talk to him. But when he has a free time, we always go out to have a family outing. It's pretty nice." "Must be a nice experience." "If you want you can join us when we go out again. You can invite your mom." "No no no, we'll interrupt your family time." "You won't~ mom and dad would be pleased." "Gee~ I don't know." "Your mom will be okay with it because she's close with my mother, I'm sure." Youngbin kept on rambling, making Heeseung smile.

"She isn't home!" Youngbin shouted in response, making Heeseung flinch. "She's home?" "Yup, and sounds like she isn't alone." "Can you guess who she is with?" "Sunoo from ninth grade is a must, Jake from tenth. Maybe just those two. I'm not really sure about Sunghoon and Jay from tenth." "Hm...they sound close?" "Tell me about it. They were the only ones who she hung out with ever since middle school." Youngbin shook his head. "Especially Jake. They've been friends for like, ever since they were born. They might end up together, who knows?" "What about Sunoo?" "He was a new student like you two years ago. I don't know how they met. He was just there beside her, every time I reach up to her during break time. He's stuck to her like glue. He's sweet though, really cute."

"I'm curious, who are Sunghoon and Jay?" "Sunghoon... you might see him a lot, if you're a fan of figure skating...?" "Not really." "Then easy peasy, search up Park Sunghoon in YouTube and you'll find him right away. As for Jay, he's from a wealthy family. His dad is a CEO. They were together when Youngjae decided to get an autograph from Sunghoon." He chuckled in the middle. "She really liked him, but not so much anymore after they hung out for several weeks. She's obsessed with something else now." "The CEO's son and a figure skater, huh? Attractive." "The rich kids are always together. Although Sunghoon is much more closer to Jake than Jay now." It was quiet for some time. "Are you hungry? Because I am." "A little." "It'll be my treat. Go on out, I just need to get some money."

Heeseung nodded and got up from the bed. He twisted the door knob and opened the door when something- someone fell right onto him, making him fall on the ground. "Youngjae?!" Youngbin yelled.


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