Bonny x Reader I thought you loved another

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Day 5
You're exhausted, it's you 3rd week, still not used to the time schedule and never get enough sleep. On top of that Bonnie is acting strange, he normally came to hang out with you but he's being weird.

It started a week ago, you decided to finally get to know Foxy. You never had conversation, interaction, anything. He used to scare you every night but that was all. So one day you went to see him.

He didn't hate you or anything, just trust issues. Which makes sense seeing what he went through. But you guys got close, and you're friends now, but since you decided to get to know Foxy, you spent less time with Bonnie. "Sorry Bon I promised Foxy we'd talk all night"
"Sorry Bon me and Foxy have plans"

Bonnie didn't like it, he really wanted to ask you out. But he sees you two and couldn't dare. He believes you like Foxy more since you stopped seeing him to hang with Foxy. "Why is he being this way, i don't understand"

"Y/n" Freddy says walking in, surprising you as you didn't hear his heavy footsteps. "Yes sir??" "You should go see Bonnie, he really needs you now" you hurried past him and towards the front to see Bonnie sitting against a wall with his head down.

"Bonnie, are you okay??"
(This is probably like wtf animatronics don't cry, I don't really care. So in this book, they cry)

He slid away from you, "g-go hang out w-w-with that fox, d-don't you have plans or s-something" his voice trembling a little. You placed a hand on his head patting softly. His head lifted as he felt your hand on his head.

"Why can't I hang out with you Bonnie??" He huffed. "You never want to, it's always Foxy this Foxy that, since you love him so much go be with him"

You laughed, "well yeah, me and Foxy have finally started to have contact and conversation but he's not you Bon, you know you're my number one, have been since I was 4"

You smiled and grabbed his hand, "I'm sorry I made you feel this way Bonnie, why didn't you tell me??" He shrugged "if he made you happy and you loved him I wouldn't have stopped you, I want you happy even if it's not with me,"

"So you decided to what, not try,"

Bonnie hugged you, in tears, "please, even if you love him, don't abandon me... I still need you"

Resting your hand on his head and rubbing his back you smile. "Couldn't dream of it" you both sat there, tangled in each other's arms. You thought he was in shut down since he hadn't moved, then you heard a small voice come from his mouth

"I love you"

"Took you long enough!!" You both flinched as you heard Chika squeal.

"Way to ruin the moment lass". Foxy emerged from a corner.

You giggled a little, and smiled down at Bonnie who was nuzzling into your neck. "You guys really do ruin the mood." Bonnie raised his gaze to Chika.

Freddy then came into view, "Bonnie just needed the opportunity, I knew he could do it" Foxy wanders over to Freddy and Chica "cmon ye land lubbers leave the two alone" the trio left.

As you and Bonnie continue to sit there comfortably, talking, catching up and just enjoying each other's company.

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