"What if you have an enemy that can cancel out your quirk?" I asked him pointedly, thinking of my dad.

Shinso hesitated, "Yeah, I guess that would be unfortunate."

I nodded. After a few moments I decided to ask,

"So, what is your quirk?"

"I guess you'll have to find out," he turned to me and gave a goofy grin.

I rolled my eyes again, spending time with Shinso was going to give me permanent eye damage.

"Well then," I announced standing up, "let us not waste anymore time! Onto quirks."

"My favorite."

"How should we do this?" I asked, offering my sweaty hand to help him up.

"I guess we could just fight until one of us gives in?" He shrugged.

"Okay, but I'll have to restrict myself a bit, I don't really want to hurt you."

"Don't worry about it," he assured me.

I checked my belt to make sure I had my shurikens and knife stored. I quickly wiped off my glasses on my shirt before placing them back on my face.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready as ever," Shinso responded, he put his hands in his pockets.

I frowned. He didn't look like he was taking this seriously. Hopefully he would surprise me, I didn't want this fight to be too easy.

I started focusing my attention on Shinso's figure, trying to use my quirk to sense any metal around him. My hands felt a slight attraction towards his neck, but most likely it was an object too small to be of any use.

"Hey little owl, I wanted to ask you something," Shinso asked as we circled each other.

"What now dumbass?" I responded impatiently.

Shinso smiled lazily.

My mind grew fuzzy. I wanted to make myself move, to grab my knife, but it felt like my limbs were moving through molasses. Almost as if in a dream, I walked in a straight line over to Shinso. Thoughts weren't stringing together in my head. I felt my body but there was no control. I didn't even have the mental capacity to panic over this helplessness.

"Say you surrender," I heard a voice faintly say. Heard was a stretch, it was more like a vibration that I felt. A code that my brain made out in a way unbeknownst to me.

My jaw started moving.

"I surrender," a voice that sounded like mine said.

Suddenly, a sensation not unlike a thin blanket was lifted off of me. I looked around a bit dazed. In front of me a few inches away was Shinso. I looked up at him and frowned.

"What happened?" I asked.

Shinso looked at the ground and moved away slightly.

"I um- it was my quirk," he mumbled. His cocky face of victory was completely gone.

"Wait, hold on," I muttered, trying to wrap my head around what had happened, "Your quirk...makes people do things?"

"Well, basically," Shinso explained, "it's called Brainwash, and if someone answers a question from me I can control them, if I want."

Shinso backed up from me even more. I took a moment to process what he said.

"But I promise I've never used it on you before!" Shinso quickly exclaimed, holding his hands up.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now