He feel his probing eyes on me, probably ones squinted of annoyance. I don't want him tending to me, I don't need anybody tending to me. I've healed many injuries on my own, with no aid at all. I've had to.

After a few minutes, I hear him moving once more. He again dips and wrings the cloth of cold water, simply stating, "there's another one here." He steps to my side in one motion, using his open hand to pull my shirt back down, over my first wound and my hand covering it. I realize he did this for modesty, as the second wound is on my upper thigh of the same side.

He tamely wiped the blood with his one free hand, the rag quickly absorbing most of it. I squirm from the pain of the coldness making contact with my wound, the pain more prominent than ever.

I grip the blanket that only barely covers my bare legs, only thing exposed is the area on my thigh. I grimace, groaning in pain as he rubs the wet cloth too hard against the stitches. My whole body tenses at the agonizing pain, my hand squeezing hard.

His right hand glides from the frame, over my skin, to find a stationary place on my lower stomach. His left hand scrubs lighter and slower. The lack of harshness and the feeling of skin to skin contact makes my body feel light and flushed. The pain subsides and tingles flutter through my body, pulsing through the spot of impaction, the place where his hand meets my skin.

I'm beginning to believe the mate bond is real, nothing else in my mind explaining away the elated feeling when he touches me, as if I were high. If I could force it away, I would. I don't want to feel good around him, I don't want to be around him at all. I rather feel the pain of my actions than have him this close to my vulnerable, injured body.

"This one here is worse," he lets go of the cloth, tracing around the wound on my thigh, as to let me know which one he is talking about. This also let me know about the size of the gash on my leg, though I could've found it out myself. I don't appreciate his hands still being on me, but his touch so warm that I don't dare push him away now.

He moves, standing straight once again. I hear his clothes flatten with his stance, a wave of chills making its way through my body, the warm shocks leaving with him. "Thank y-" I go to speak for the first time in awhile, right as somebody walks in the door. "The Luna wants to see you, Alpha." A man presents the information, captivating both Alaric and I. Luna? The Sanguine pack has a Luna? My mind races with possibilities, not one of them making any sort of sense. My mind has apparently already accepted him as my mate, which shocks me more to hear he is already spoken for by another wolf.

"Tell the Luna I'm on the way, Owen." Owen, the one who just entered, has left again. I don't finish thanking the Alpha, I didn't want to in the first place. I didn't need his help. Now that distance has been put between us, his scent not as potent and his touch not pulsing through me, my mind begins occupying more negative feelings for the Alpha.

He saunters away, leaving to take care of his alpha duties. He stops infront of the door, though I still feel his gaze on the side of my face. He inches the door open, my ears hearing it sway slowly open, his eyes unwaving on me the entire time. He says one more thing before he takes off, "You will be moved closer to my quarters. . ." He states, continuing, "I will be keeping a closer eye on you."

Then he was gone.

Alina arrives moments later with fresh clothes and food. I changed first, into a comfortable new outfit, with the help of Alina. I learned fast that it's difficult to move with gashes against my leg and stomach. I wonder what I landed on to have injuries such as these.

We ate together, though I was unable to finish my meal. Alina took our plates and placed them aside, asking me if I want to go back to the packhouse, to my new room. She must be employed by the alpha himself, to help me.

I agree, and we leave the healer den. Just as we're outside, I stop to breathe in the fresh air. It has a crisp scent to it, I can tell it's later in the day the sun is low in the sky. "I haven't been outside since my packs Moon festival." I guess this shocks her, so we stay outside a while longer. As we walk side by side, her hand on my forearm, she describes the area to me. Finally, we reach the alphas estate, to which she describes in whole detail.

"The estate is an off-white, beige colour, with giant double doors centred above a luxurious front step. Shrubs placed strategically on either side, kept nice by the gardener. In spring, giant blooms of purple wisteria spread invasively across the front of the mansion, making it look absolutely mystifying." I plan in my head what it would be like, imagine how it feels, rather than how it looks. In the spring, I can imagine the graze of ferns across my feet and ankles as I walk through the field. I imagine the spectacular scent of the abundance of wisteria, and the warmth of the brass door handle from the sun's heat. And in my head, it's perfect.

We reach the estate, the wintry breeze adding a soreness to my nose and ears. She brings me in the supposedly voluptuous double doors, into the lobby. It smells of that breathtaking, bitter scent. He seems to be everywhere. Alina holds my arm and takes me up the stairs, down a hallway to the right. At the beginning of the hallway is a door to my room, which is quite similar to my room prior. Apparently, the Alpha's quarters are down this hall I have been relocated to.

We sit on my new mattress, not saying much, but just existing in each other's presence.


Word Count: 1816

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