"Oh, I see. And you're so much more accepting?"

"Well, I," I tried, but I couldn't defend myself. He was right. I was exactly like Liam. I was being stubborn and uncaring. I didn't stop to think about everything that he was investing in this.

"I can't fix this," I admitted.

"Of course you can. If he was willing to announce you in front of the council, you must mean something to him."

"You didn't see how he looked at me."

"No, but I know him. He's angry with you right now, but give him a couple hours to realize what happened."

"He already said he won't try to stop me."

"It's Liam. I don't think he can be without you at this point."

I opened my mouth to respond, but I was quickly cut off by Bridget running down the stairs. I instantly perked up when I saw Zeus with her. I hadn't seen him in over a year, but he bolted at me and knocked me to the ground. His giant tongue sloped all over my neck and face as he whined and shook his knob of a tail violently.

I laughed as I tried to avoid him licking my mouth, but he was determined to cover every inch of me. Even though I was considerably stronger now, I let him overpower me for a bit. He laid on top of me and rested his chin on my face.

"Zeus," I laughed.

He whined again and went back to licking me.

"Anna! I love him so much!" Bridget swooned.

I laughed. "Have you been having fun with him?"

"So much fun! He slept in my bed and he loves going outside and watching movies with me and we played dress up!"

"Dress up?" I questioned.

"Yeah! He was so cute!"

I managed to wiggle out from under him, but he cuddled on my lap.

"Yeah, he's a big baby."

"I love him, Anna," Bridget said happily.

I patted his head and stood up. He looked irritated, but stuck to my side.

"I'm going to wash my face really quick," I said.

"Perhaps you should talk to Liam after," Pierce suggested.

I nodded a little. He was right. I was being stupid and stubborn and a coward by breaking things off with Liam, but I wasn't sure if he would even want to be with me at this point.

I made my way to a small half bathroom with Zeus practically connected to my hip. I turned the gold handles to set the water just right and looked at myself in the mirror. In the past year, I had changed so much, but I didn't really pay attention. I didn't look like a child anymore, but I felt like I was still acting like a child. If I wanted to be with Liam, it was time to grow up. I couldn't just run every time I was afraid.

A light knock on the door pulled my attention. I quickly dried my face with a plush, ivory hand towel and pulled the door open. Liam stood tall, as usual, looking down at me.

"Anna, I'm sorry," he apologized. "I believe you and I'll take care of this."

"Don't apologize," I said softly. "This is my fault. I shouldn't just expect you to believe me."

"It's okay."

"It's not okay. I'm young, Liam. I mean really young, but I know I want to be with you. I don't want to be shipped off somewhere for protection."

"It's not safe for you here."

"The safest place is here with you. They want me to doubt you and your ability to keep me safe. We can't let them do that."

"I can't keep doing this with you. You're either in it completely or not at all."

"I know. I won't do it again."

"You've said that before."

"I know. I'm serious this time. I won't do it again. Pierce kind of made me realize how stupid I was being."

"He has a way of doing that."

I nodded a little. I wanted to go back to the night he announced our relationship. I wanted to stay that way, but everything had changed. I knew eventually it would make us stronger and I needed to trust in that.

"Do you still want to be with me?" I asked.

"Of course I want to be with you. Why would you even ask that?"

"I want to marry you," I said firmly.

"You're sure?"

I nodded.

"Then marry me tonight."

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