Sister- Imagine #4 pt 2

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(A.N: Hope you guys like this part 2. Sorry, it took me so long to write. I was writing this one, Heather part 2, and a new imagine at the same time.)


Nick's POV:

You could feel the tension in the air. They obviously liked each other. It wasn't just a one-way crush and anyone could tell.

I had a plan.
A pretty good plan.

Onto the story...

No one POV:
It was now 3 days later. Nick came up with a plan for Y/N and Ryland. He told Ryland to come over and for Y/N to clear her schedule for the day.


I was getting ready for my day today. Nick told me Ryland was coming over to hang out again. Probably meaning just the two of them alone in his room. Talking about whatever guys talk about. I had been thinking about what I had overheard 3 days ago. Never stopped thinking about it.

I was finishing putting on my mascara when I heard Nick shout from downstairs,

"Y/N, Ry will be here soon!"

"Alright!" I shout back.

About an hour later I didn't hear anyone. Not Nick. Not Ryland. Not any sound. So I decided to go to Nick's room to see if they were actually still here.

I knock on the door and I hear a "come in" from inside. I go in and see Ryland laying on my brother's bed. In kinda a hot way not gonna lie.

"Oh hey. I just wanted to see if you guys were still here." I say

"Well, I am at least. To be honest I have no idea where Ni-" Right after he started to finish his sentence Nick shows up in the doorway. I didn't even have half a second to turn and look at him, He shoved me on the bed causing me to land on Ryland. Nick shut the door so fast you could barely see him.

I didn't even realize I was on top of Ryland. That is until he started groaning when I started shifting because I was thinking. I mean, I knew why he was allowing me to stay on him, but I'm not letting him get that far with Nick right outside the door.

"WTF Nick? Why did you do that?" I asked him as I got off Ry.

"I'm not letting you two out until you both admit you like each other!" Nick yelled through the door. You could hear him lock the door from the outside and walk off.

Ryland and I just stood there. Silent. Both of us had a blush on our faces.

"Look Y/N, I'm sorry he did this. I get if you don't like me, but I mean this would be a perfect time to tell you-"

"I already know Ry," I told him softly. He looked at me kind of confused. "I overheard your conversation when you were over here the other day. I know you like me. And believe me when I tell you I like you too I was just too scared to say."

"You actually like me back?" Ryland asked with shock in his voice.

"Why do you sound so shocked? I mean what's not to like about you? You're funny, sarcastic, caring..." I kept going on until he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. Of course, I kissed back and it lasted a couple of minutes.

"Y/N I have been waiting so long to ask you this. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Ryland I will be your girlfriend." He pulled me in for another kiss while I was honestly just enjoying his presence.

Ryland's POV:

I finally made her mine. The girl I have liked for so long.

Not gonna lie, while we were kissing I was getting a little hard by her touch and by her lips on mine. But I wasn't going to let that ruin the moment so I just hoped she didn't feel it or she just ignored it.


Did I feel it? Yes.

Did I ignore it? I tried my hardest.

Ryland's POV:

At this point, we were making out when the bedroom door open. Nick walked in and looked at us both.

"Ok guys that's enough," Nick said. Y/N started to away, but I wanted to mess with Nick so I pulled her back lightly and we just slowed the kiss.

"HEY HEY HEY!! I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Nick yelled. We were both laughing earning a little smile from Nick

"I'm going back to my room," Y/N announced as she was still laughing but starting to leave.

"I'll come!" I jumped up from the bed and hoped Nick would allow it. But no. He pulled me right back down.

"Ryland you are not being left alone with my sister in a room. You can not be trusted."

" *sigh* Fine." Y/N just giggled at our stupidity. God that giggle made me go crazy.


I just laughed my way back to my room as I continued to hear Ryland and Nick arguing. Everything was lovely, well until I heard Nick yell,

"Ryland why the f*** are you hard?" (A.N: just imagine he yelled that at the top of his lungs.)

(A.N: I'm dying my friend's hair next week. Pray for me.)

I hope you guys liked this one. This was a 2-part imagine so this is technically the end of it. Heather part 2, and a new imagine are coming soon.

Don't forget to vote, follow me, and comment or DM me a request if you want!

Love y'all!


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