Supported- Imagine #2

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A.N: this was a request from slightlyslick

"Why can't you be a behaved teenager for once in you damn life?" My parents said once I arrived home from detention once again. "Your younger sister is perfect and never gets in trouble! Why can't you be like her?" Dad continued.

That was my breaking point. They always involve my sister and make it very clear that she is the favorite. Always has been and always will be.

By now I was half way out of the neighborhood knowing exactly where I was headed. I was off to my best friend, Ryland's house. He was always the support I got when my parents were treating me like crap.

He was one of the few people who truly understood me. And I loved him for that. People always assume Ryland and I are dating since we are so close. But no, just best friends.

I was sitting in my room watching a movie when I heard the front door open. I assumed it was one of my parents or Y/N. (let's pretend the Hype House doesn't exist lol)

I really hoped it was Y/N. I have been wanting to tell her that I have caught feelings lately. Truth is I'm scared it's going to ruin our friendship if she doesn't feel the same.

I was about to get up when my bedroom door swung open and Y/N appeared in the door frame. Her eyes were red from her crying.

"Parents again?" I asked already knowing the answer. She doesn't even say anything but instead just nods her head and sheds a few more tears

I walk over to her and pick her up. Her arms wrap around my neck while her head is buried in my neck. I go back to my bed and sit down with her in my lap.

We just sat there in silence for a few minutes while she calmed down. Once she was ok again she looked at me and slightly smiled. She was about to get off my lap when I placed my hands on her waist stopping her. She looked at me with a confused expression: I looked at her and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong Ry?" Y/N asked me.
Might as well go for it now.
"Y/N I know this might not be the best timing but it's worth a shot." I started. "I like you. I like you a lot actually. And I have for a little while. That's why if I have seemed a little touchy lately it's cause I've liked you. I wanted to wait since we have such a good friendship going and I didn't want to ruin it-" I didn't realize I was rambling until Y/N smashed her lips to mine.

We shared a soft and passionate kiss for a few minutes with her arms wrapped around my neck and mine wrapped around her waist. We continued this until breathing became a problem. We held eye contact for some time before she spoke.

"Don't worry Ry, you won't ruin our friendship. I like you too." I stared at her in amazement. I never thought that Y/N would like me back.
"Ry..." she said softly because apparently, I was staring for a good few seconds.

I didn't have any words so I just kissed her again. Once she pulled away she hugged me tightly.

"Y/N," I said so she would look at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked a little more hopeful than before she came. Her eyes lit up a little and she smiled.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to ask that." She laughed. "Of course I will."

It was a little later in the night and Ryland and I were cuddled up together enjoying each other's embrace. I was playing with his hair when I stopped suddenly. He turned around to me and pouted.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked me. God, he's so cute.
"Thank you for always being there for me. Always being there to support me." I thanked him.

"Anytime baby girl. Let's go to sleep now ok?" I nodded my head and it was his turn to play with my hair now. I felt his fingers going softly drifting me off to sleep. This is what I wanted.

Being in a relationship with my best friend. The one who can always make me laugh. The one who's always there for me.

I wanted Ryland. And now he's finally mine.

A.N: Thank you for the request. I think I liked this one but like not sure cause Im indesisive af.

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