They both turn to look at me with scared expressions. I glare at them, "Don't you dare I-"

But before I could finish they both sprint off and turn around the block, out of view. Running for their lives. Fucking pussies.

"What the fuck is going on? Why the fuck are you here? Why the fuck was I in a closet in this house?" Selena growls at me.

Shit. Maybe I should run too.

"Me no espeak English señora." I find myself saying before I can think. I don't even speak Spanish.

She shots me a cold glare. "Shut the fuck up. My head is pounding and we have school today. Ugh fuck me."

I gulp. "W-why would y-you want me to do t-that?"

"Not literally!"

"I. . . I-I g-guess Demi and Ryan put us in the house as a prank, a weird confusing prank which I don't understand."

"Oh," she mumbles. "Um. . . What happened last night?"

I laugh, "Do you not remember either?"

"Fucking shit, Justin," she chuckles. "Just how much did you drink?"

"I. . . Don't remember that either."

We begin to walk. I don't think we even noticed we began to walk because we don't speak of direction. We just walk away from the house.

"Did you punch someone?"

"Maybe, I think," I mumble.

"Wow," she snorts. "We should go to school, if anything interesting did happen last night, everyone knows it there."

"Shouldn't we go home and change?" I suggest.

"No duh, idiot. We're already gonna be late anyways."

Shit. I've never been late to school. I have a perfect attendance that I take pride in. If I show up to school late I don't think I would be able to look my teacher in the eye. The agony would eat me alive and I don't think I could sit throughout the entire class. Maybe I could but I wouldn't be paying much attention.

"Uh. . . Do you think we could skip first period?" I ask, unsure of the question.

"I mean I was already planning on not going but sure we can't skip it together."

"I've never not gone home, if you know what I mean. Good thing I don't remember anything or maybe I would of ran home and caused something. . ."

"What? You've never slept away from home?" She asks with an amused face.

"Yeah, well, I've never had a reason to."

"That must be nice," she whispers sadly.

I don't reply to that. I find myself thinking about it again. Thinking about what her father did to her. Is he really in an asylum? I'm afraid to ask, I know it's considered rude. I know she's spent a long time away from her 'home' so much I don't think she considers it her home. How did I end this way? Not be grateful for even just having a home, loving parents. . . Why do I want my life to change so much?

Is it because I always find myself unhappy? How can I possible be grateful with something I'm unhappy with?

I'm selfish. . . Forgive me for that, Lord. And I also hope you can forgive me for my future mistakes. I'm sorry.

We stop and look up at my house.

"We gonna climb up your window or go through your front door?" Selena asks me.

Church Boy Gone Bad // Jelenaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن