Jack's Revenge

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Scenario: This is when Niki and Jackmanifold were trying to kill Tommyinnit by leading him to the nuke. This time Niki was successful in leading him to the nuke and blowing him up.

Narrator POV

Tommy chatted non stop with Niki as he gradually got closer and closer to the nuke without realizing it.

Niki was really annoyed by Tommy walking so slow. He continued to gather spruce wood for Sam Nook while talking about Spiderman.

"Tommy, come on, this way. " Niki says, trying her hardest to keep her voice calm.

"Why are you being so, I don't know, impatient." Tommy says, stopping to cut down another tree, which pushed her over the edge.

"Because! " Niki shouts. "I need you to come this way. Please come this way quickly. "

"You're being sus, but since you're a lady I'll come. " Tommy stops chopping trees and closely followed Niki.

"Thank god. " Niki says under her breath.

"Where are you taking me anyways?" Tommy asks.

"Just past these trees and we'll be there. "

They walk into a large open field of snow. "Just stand over there. " She points to a line tree in the middle of the field.

"Ok" Tommy shrugs.

He walks out from under the tree, then he turns to look back at Niki, but she's nowhere to be seen. She was currently running as fast as she could away from Tommy's location.

Tommy hears a quiet whistle coming from where he came from. He raises a hand to block the sun and sees a blue tube shooting from above him.

"Niki? " Tommy says.

Then the nuke lands right beside him. When it touches the ground, it explodes immediately. The earth rips apart and do does Tommy.

A minute later Tubbo and Jackmanifold come running from a tunnel and Niki slips in besides them.

Tubbo peers down the large hole. "This goes down to bedrock! "

"Yeah... " Jack says, not paying attention.

Jack whispers to Niki. "Did it work? "

She responds with one word that fills Jack with joy. "Yes."

While Tubbo was climbing down to look at the damage from below, he sees some kind of fabric floating down softly. He bridges under in and catches it.

"Hey Tubbo, what ya got there? " Jack asks, walking over to Tubbo.

He just stares blankly at the green fabric. "No... " He says quietly. "No, no, no no no no. "

Niki places a hand on his shoulder, but he whips around to look at the twins. "WHERE. IS. TOMMY. " He says through gritted teeth.

"Uhh, I-I don't know. " Jack says.

Tubbo bolts away through the tunnel and past Snowchester. Get runs straight to the Dream smp.

When he gets to Tommy's house he sees in the distance, Fundy and Quackity taunting Sam Nook by stepping on and off the property.

"Where is Tommy? " Tubbo says out of breath to the two outside the fence.

"I don't know. " Fundy says.

"We haven't seen him. " Quackity replies.

(Everything in this font is Animal Crossing language. "

"What happened to Tommyinnit? " Sam Nook asks walking over to the trio.

"I can't find him and I think something bad happened to him. " Tubbo says, understanding Animal Crossing.

Jack and Niki arrive out of breath.

"What's going on, Tubbo? " Jack asks.

"I last saw him with the lady. " Sam points at Niki. "She insisted that he came with her. "

"What? What is he saying? Why is he pointing at me? "

Tubbo turns slowly to Niki, pure anger painted on his face. "I'll say this once more. " Tubbo takes out his netherrite axe. "Where. Is. Tommy? " He looks directly into Nikki's eyes.

"Uhh... " She hesitates and looks away from Tubbo's glare. "I-I, umm. "

Tubbo goes up to her and places his axe to her throat.

"Woah, woah, woah. " Jack says. "Calm down! "

"Fine, fine! " She yells. "I-I lead him towards the nuke and left him there to be blown up. "

Tubbo drops his axe. "H-how'd you even know about the nuke? "

She looks over st Jack. Tubbo stumbles back and Sam Nook walks over to the duo and grabs their arms roughly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Easy there. " Jack says.

"Let go. " Niki tries to get out of Sam's grip, but he's not budging.

"You've harmed Tommyinnit. I have failed Awesamdude. You will face Sam Nook's wrath. "

"T-Tubbo? " Jack says.

Tubbo translates and Niki and Jack's eyes widen. Then Sam takes them away.

"What just happened? " Quackity asks.

"I think Jack and Niki just killed Tommy. " Fundy says in a monotone voice. He holds himself, tears welling in his eyes. "Uncle? "

Tubbo drops to him knees and screams, banging his fists on the prime path.

"He died from my hand. " Tubbo says quietly. "I launched the nuke. "


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