[6] Traitor

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Some nsfw at the end :)

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Some nsfw at the end :)

Reader POV

Nacht shook me awake quickly the following morning.

"(y/n), I won't ask you how you even got here last night, but the asshole himself is here for you."

"Tell him to fuck himself,"

"Already did."

"Ugh, fine."

I got out of bed and got dressed, properly putting on my armor since I would be going to infiltrate the castle itself since I had captured the interests of Zenon Zogratis himself.

In fact, Julius knew about it and told me to be careful since we both knew Zenon had a thing for me.

I planned on using it to my advantage, sneaking around the Spade castle whenever I could.

And I was heading there right after confronting Nozel.

He was standing in the middle of the small courtyard, amusing the smaller Spade children with his magic.

His aura was very different- it was loving, protective, and kind.

Pfft, what a joke.

"Miss (y/n)!" The children looked happy to see me as I made myself known.

"Not now," I said to them. "There's a storm coming. I think you children should get inside. Oh and there's a plate of unguarded cookies in the kitchen, but you didn't hear it from me."

They all thanked me and headed off to the kitchens.

I watched them go, fondness in my eyes.

"Ahem." Nozel coughed.

My good mood was ruined once more. "Well? Why are you here?"

"To speak to you. About everything."

"Right. I already made myself clear, Silva. I don't want to be near you nor speak to you. Unless it's to settle our divorce."

He shook his head. "No. Julius told me what you're doing. How can you willingly go into the clutches of the Dark Triad?! To that fiend Zenon Zogratis?!"

I glared at Nozel. "Between you and Zeno, he's a nicer person to me. He doesn't abuse nor rape women. He doesn't let his siblings abuse each other despite him being the youngest of the Dark Triad. And he didn't kill any child."

"You're speaking horse shit! He's killed thousands!"

"And you've hurt thousands. Don't think I don't know about the royal houses stealing taxes from the poor and using that on lavish parties." I shook my head. "Why are you near me? I don't want you around."

"Please don't go," he said. "They're dangerous, (y/n)! I can't lose anyone else I love!"

I reached up and slapped his face. "You never loved me, Silva. Stop playing the victim and wake up. And I'd rather die than stay married to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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