[5] A Beautiful Nightmare

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Reader POV (age 28, present day)

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Reader POV (age 28, present day)

A gentle meldoy was heard and I moved towards the sound, absolutely in love with it.

It was Tchaikovsky's Pas de Deux.

I took off my cloak and put it on a hook, placing my hand over my heart and closing my eyes.

In the empty space in the astronomy tower, I let the music take over my body and allow myself to dance to my heart's content, something I hadn't done in 7 years.

Had it not been for my interest in protecting my kingdom, I would've become a dancer.

Nacht had told me that our mother used to be a ballet dancer long before she had our older brother Shielo.

When the music was on, everything was silent.

Like swimming through a lake on a sunny afternoon.

I was about to spin in place when I heard someone clearing their throat.

I stopped in my tracks, a blade made entirely of shadow appearing in my left hand.

"Who the hell-"

"It's me."

"Oh. Even worse." I crossed my arms and stared at Nozel with a glare. "What the fuck do you want, you asshole?"

"Quit it with the names. Now, I know you requested an audience with Damnatio Kira today about the divorce. Why should I divorce you?"

"Why shouldn't you?" I spat. "You can't stand me,
I can't stand you. You constantly bother me and I don't even do anything. I hate you and you hate me."

"I don't hate you," he said. "The polar opposite of hatred."

I turned away and fixed some things on my desk. "Didn't seem that way almost seven years ago, bastard. And does it matter? I don't love you. In fact, that was one of my biggest mistakes."

He let out a sigh. "It was the only way to protect-"

"Yet you hurt me and killed our son. Wait, he's actually yours. I don't recall wanting to have a child with you." I took off my necklace, filled with random ashes.

The real necklace was hidden in a shadow space only I could access.

"So take this crap. Do whatever you want with it. It means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me."

He caught the necklace, staring at me. "You really regret us?"

"Yep. I should've listened to my brother. He could see you for the asshole you are. I should've never married you nor became somewhat close to you."

"So all those nights I took you-even in this very bed-and you would whisper 'I love you' to me. You regret it?"

"Absolutely. You've ruined my life, Silva. I hate you. I hate your entire family except Noelle and Solid. But Solid! I hear you allowed him and Nebra to abuse Noelle! What kind of sick and disgusting person are you?! I should-"

[Midwinter] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now