Dysfunctional Family

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No pairings
Female Percy Jackson X Marvel (Avengers)
In this Percy is the daughter of "The Black Widow"
Full name - Perseus 'percy' Persephone Jackson-Romanoff.  ("Jackson" is a cover name)
At age 10 percy defeated Kronos and at age 11 she was the youngest out of the seven demigods of the prophecy (they are the same age as the books only percy is different) and now percy is 12 years old
Percy is alone

Percy's POV

It's almost been three months since I came back to camp. Mom said I can stay as long as I want or until I have another mission which requires my wonderful presence.
As of now I am currently trying to escape the seven demigods of the prophecy, six without me, along with Reyna, Nico, Will and Calypso.

"Why you ask?" Well it's because they keep on trying to set me up on a blind date, they think that I would like some guy from the Apollo cabin, I think his name is David? Or Danny? Or Damien??? I seriously don't know I wasn't paying that much attention. All I know is that the guys name begins with a "D".

Except Chiron and the Gods and Goddesses no one else knows that my mom is the Black Widow, and trust me... if my mom found out I was going to start dating she will kill whoever he or she is before they even steal a glance at me.... So yeah dating is not on my list of things to do.


Finally the time for dinner came and everyone was focused on eating than on me. After the war the Gods decided to put an extra table where the demigods of the Giant war can sit together with their significant other.

Clop! clop!

Our attention was driven towards the director of the camp, Chiron, who stood in his natural form than in his wheelchair.

"I have an announcement to make." He said
"Today we got some information from a former demigod that he and his team will be visiting us for reasons the Gods kept confidential"
(AN: more like reasons I cannot think of)
"We are all to treat them with respect and welcome them to our world, with that said I would also like only Percy to meet me after she finishes eating. That's all"

'Huh. I wonder who this mysterious team is. And why did Chiron want to talk to me?' I wondered

It seems that the rest of the occupants of the table are wondering the latter thought too as they are all glancing at me.

'What's the worst that could happen' I think before going back to eating.


3rd person POV

As percy walked up to the big house she couldn't stop the feeling that the fates were planning something.

~Time skip~
(cuz the conversation was not important and I have a migraine headache so I can't think properly)

Chiron wanted percy to help their guest to fit in and since she doesn't have a crowded cabin she can also let them stay there.

Just as she walked back to the table the whole camp was engulfed in a bright light that made everyone look away. When the light finally died down everyone was met with the "big three" Gods and their guests

As percy saw the people who will be visiting the camp she swore that her heart stopped, because right in front of her were the Avengers along with Director Nicolas 'Nick' Fury and Agent Phil Coulson.

"What the hell!" she swore out loud.

"LANGUAGE" Steve said whilst watching percy with wide eyes

"Percy is that you? I thought that you were out of town" Tony exclaimed

"Umm, hi?" Percy said nervously

Every camper was looking at percy wondering how does she know the Avengers. Eventually the silence was broken off by Clint Barton who couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.
Even Natasha who was trying and failing to hide a laugh but settled for a snicker whilst fury and Coulson hand a look on their face which screamed "payback"

Percy could do nothing other than groan and glare at her other family, when she noticed her mom walking towards her.

"Sorry babygirl, but this is payback for the prank war last week" Natasha spoke while walking towards her.

"How do you know percy?" Annabeth blurted out before she could stop herself.

With that Natasha smiled while taking Percy into a side hug and spoke so everyone can hear her.

" Demigods meet Perseus 'percy' Persephone Romanoff! My daughter "

"WTF!!!!" Campers yelled


(767 words)

AN: well this sucks.... But this is the best I can do with a migraine headache. Plus it's like almost 11:30pm here and I'm supposed to be sleeping 😅

Someone pls send me a request. I need it to complete a dare given by my friend
(Dare: complete a story request given by one of your readers on wattpad)

That's it ❤
Till next time
Stay safe

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