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"Oi! I'm tired!" Copter tiringly said while making his hand as his fan. It is Valentine's day and here he is, a travel bag on his back with a long stick in his right hand, compass on the left, a camera hanging on his neck, and his phone on his pocket jeans. He was going out alone in this forest because his friends have dates. He wanted to prove that he can be happy without a girlfriend or boyfriend.

"Huh! I can have fun by myself!" He started walking again. The forest isn't dark. The light travels inside the forest, which he is thankful since he doesn't want any weird and creepy things happening in this forest like in the books and movies. Being alone is scary enough.

He putted marks in every tree he walk pass by just incase he got lost. He take a picture every now and then on his camera and iPhone then posting it on his instagram.

"Huh. Get jealous assholes!" He laughed evily before continuing his journey.

The sun was at it's peak when Copter decided to find for a place to stop by and rest. He walked a little bit more when he saw from afar an old palace gate. He was shocked and curious to see a palace in the heart of the forest.

"But there wasn't any palace in the map." He looked at the map at his phone once again before shrugging it off and took a photo. When he was about to post it, there's no signal anymore.

"Tsk! The idiots will be envious if they see this. Such a bummer!" Copter instantly put his phone inside his pocket and entered the palace gates.

Copter was amazed at the sight. He never thought that he'll find a palace in this forest. This place is awesome! The place was obviously old but it still look good. It's like in the movies and fairytales he reads.

The place was quiet but it feels magical. Copter keep taking photos to brag to his friends. He wander every inch of the place.

"If this will be seen in public, this would be a great tourist attraction!" He said while taking photos. Copter stopped for a moment to look at the photos he took and smile at his great photographic skills.

Copter looked up and saw a great palace from afar. He was in awe at the size of it. It really is a great decision to treck instead of finding a date in this Valentines day.

Copter walked forward towards the palace. Just from the outside, you can see the different gemstones that is used in decorating the building. It's a fascinating sight to see. He entered the palace and took more photos. If the palace is already beautiful outside, so was inside. It's beauty was doubled, or maybe tripled. The architectural design is old but stunning, so he took more photos than ever.

"Shet~ so fascinating! Those idiots will regret staying with their boyfriends. HAHAHAHA!" He laughed by himself while venturing the inside of the palace. He started climbing the stairs that leads to a tower. Well, he didn't know it'll lead him to a tower. As soon as he get's into the tower, he was breathing heavily because of the stairs.

"This is why I take elevators! Whoo!" He said while wiping the sweat on his forehead. Just then, he noticed a big door infront of him. He studied it before holding the big rings on the door and pull it.

"Arg! W-why is it... so... heavy?!" Copter put more strength in pulling the shitty door. His face shows that the door is really heavy, heavier than him. The door is gigantic! He rest for a while, regaining back his strength before pulling the rings again.

"Open, shitty door!" He shouted in a tone full of irritation and difficulty. The door suddenly produced a creeky sound.

"Shet~ a little bit more~" He abruptly pull the door rings. It opened, much to Copter's glee. The man brushed of the dusts in his clothes before entering the big room. Opposite to his direction, is a big window which shows the full view of the place. He immediately run towards it before taking pictures of the spectacular view.

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