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Okay, I feel a little bad about this chapter... I know you're all probably waiting for that last cliffhanger to be resolved, but... this chapter's from Harry's point of view. Which means you'll have to stay in suspense a little longer. Sorry! 

The good news is, this chapter is still very action-packed and exciting. And it involves some crazy plot twists and a lot of build-up for later... but I'm sure you're tired of me rambling. Enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading! <3

Harry looked skeptically up at the dark warehouse, sighing. He wasn't sure why even bothered; it was his fifth 'lead' on where the Neverseen might be in the week, and all of them had been flukes. He didn't expect anything better from this one, especially since it was a Muggle warehouse. But, he was obligated to look into any leads he could get, even if this one had been particularly strange. Someone had sent him a message on his imparter, with a simple address and a message saying, "You might want to check this out."

"Let's move in," he said to his small team of Aurors.

They found their way to a side door, and Harry whispered, "Alohomora."

He glanced at his second in command, Maya Dolan, who nodded. Harry flung open the door, and they both entered the warehouse together, back to back.

"Clear," Maya breathed, and Harry repeated it back to her. They lowered their wands as Harry's eyes scanned his surroundings. It wasn't the vast storage room he'd expected; instead, the door opened in the middle of a long, dark hallway, lined with doors on the inner side.

"What is this place?" One of his Aurors, Chris Templin, muttered.

"Homenum Revelio," Harry whispered, his eyebrows narrowing at what the spell showed. "There are people here."

"Humans or Muggles?" Maya asked.

"Aparecium!" he muttered in response, frowning at the result.

"What?" Maya asked.
Harry hesitated. "There is magic here," he said. "But... it's not like anything I've seen."

He glanced at his team, knowing they were all thinking the same thing he was. Strange magic... just like the elves.

"We go in quietly," Harry instructed. "For now, we're looking for information, not to capture or harm. Look in any room you can get into. Maya, take Schultz and Templin and go left, I'll take Meyers and Breder."

She nodded, and they entered the warehouse together, back to back, with their wands drawn. Seeing that it was clear, he motioned for Meyers, a dark-haired woman, and Breder, a short but muscular man to follow him.

"Meet back here in twenty minutes at the most," Harry instructed. "Let's go."

The trio made their way down the hallway of the dark warehouse, lighting their wands nonverbally. When he reached the first door, Harry stopped, testing the lock and listening for voices. Then he slowly opened the door.

What he found inside confirmed his growing theory that this was definitely not just a storage warehouse. It reminded Harry of Muggle movies, where the criminal had a crazy-techy lair. The dim light from his wand revealed wires and cords in every spare space, wide screens, currently dark, on the walls, and tables cluttered with small knick-knacks.

"What..." Jade Meyers muttered, and Harry was sure her thoughts mirrored his own confusion and awe. He was almost scared of booby traps as he walked to a table to pick up a flat, circular object with smooth steel buttons on its sides. He pushed one, but nothing happened.

Placing the object back on the table, Harry scanned the room for anything of more importance, but he found nothing.

"Let's go," Harry suggested, and they exited the room.

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