Part 49

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Our weekend away was wonderful. It was perfect in every way, but I missed Ara. We board the jet and start the long flight back home. By the end of the flight, I was getting emotional at the thought of seeing  Ara. I missed my pretty baby so much. We pull up to hours of car and plane and the front door is open. Yoongi turns the car off and we run inside. 


The house is a wreck, and I can see the obvious bullet holes. Yoongi ran up to Ara's room I heard him yell. I ran up to see former agent Namjoon dead on the floor. Ara and Taehyung both nowhere to be found. I can feel the tears start flowing down my cheeks at the idea of anything happening to my baby. I hug Yoongi trying to keep myself together. I pull away still crying. 

"I know who did this." 

Yoongi: "Let's head to the Mafia house and see if they ran there." 

I nod as we get back in the car. 

We speed to the mafia house running up to Taehyung's room. He isn't there. No sign of Ara either. 

Damn it. 

"I can't lose her Yoongi, I can't." 

I punch the wall as he pulls me into his chest.

Yoongi: "We will find her and Tae I promise." 

__________Taehyung's POV___________

Tae: "So you're the piece of shit ex-boyfriend that wasn't good enough." 

I felt his fist connect with my face. 

Jungkook: "Listen, you killed my friend. You are not on my good side you really want to make that worse. Now tell me where Y/n and the head of the Silver Hearts are." 

I smirk because honestly, I don't know I was never told where he took her. 

Tae: "I don't know where they are. You know she talks about how is perfect. Everything she has ever dreamed of?" 

He stormed out of the room, angry at my comment. I quickly untie my hands and crawl over to check on Ara. I pick her up and give her a kiss on the cheek. 

Tae: "Hi pretty girl." 

Love Under Fire (MYG) ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ