Part 23

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We get ready and make our way to the mafia house. He takes a deep breath as we get ready to walk inside. 

"Are you ready?" 

Yoongi: "Yeah it's just I have never actually shown my face after I became the leader so only the older agents know who identity." 

We start to walk in and he grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. I can tell he is nervous. We walk straight to Seokjin's office. Mr. Kim looks shocked and terrified. 

Jin: "Mr. Min." 

Yoongi interrupted him. 

Yoongi: "Mr. Kim, I am going to going to say this as kindly as I can. Get the fuck out and if you ever set foot in this building again, you will come to regret it." 

Mr. Kim nodded. As he looked down to begin collecting his things he notices our hands. He laughed and mumbled something. 

Jin: "Makes sense she seemed like a whore anyway." 

Yoongi let go of my hand and walked up to Mr. Kim. He viciously grabbed his face. 

Yoongi: "Say it again, I dare you." 

Suga had a few agents escort Mr. Kim out. He came back into his office and sat on the couch. We knew that this was only the beginning of our battle with Seokjin and that was on his way to Black Tide. 

Yoongi made an announcement that he was now back in control and that Mr. Kim was working with the Black Tide.  

Since I was back at the mafia house, I went to see Taehyung as soon as we were done dealing with Mr. Kim. I knocked on his door. He opened the door slowly and I hugged him. 

"You miss me?" I giggled. 

Tae: "What are you doing here?" 

"Yoongi and I are working. There is no point in hiding and letting a corrupt individual run his mafia while he is hiding from him." 

Tae: "It makes sense. How is that going by the way?" 

I blushed and bit my lip a little. 

"Umm about that," 

He cut me off and yelled for the whole world to hear. 

Tae: " Oh my god you slept with the boss!" 

I shushed him and once he calmed down a little I filled him on the details. 

Tae: "So you have me to thank for your relationship?"

"Shut up." 

Love Under Fire (MYG) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora