Part 36

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Since Taehyung asked me about kids I honestly don't know if I even want them. When there was a possibility of my kid not having to be involved with everything I am with the mafia business I wanted them. Honestly, with Yoongi, I can't imagine not raising a few little kids that have that adorable gummy smile. I want to ask him but I don't know. We are in such a good place and I love him so much.

Our honeymoon was beautiful we were on a private island. Since he wouldn't tell me where we were going I asked him to pack my bag. However, his packing of my bag consisted of no actual clothing. I should've known better than to ask him to pack my bag.

We have been married for 2 months now, we still haven't brought up the idea of kids. Which normally wouldn't be a big deal, except I think I might be pregnant. My period is 3 weeks late and I feel sick pretty much all the time.

I get ready to head into the mafia house.  I need to get a pregnancy test, I just hope he doesn't ask too many questions.

"Hey hubby, can we stop by the store before going to work today?"

Yoongi: "Yeah baby. What do we need?"


"I need to get some lady stuff."

Lady stuff, really what am I twelve? He knows what pads and tampons are dumbass.

We leave for work and I run into the store.  I grabbed two just in case. I feel sick to my stomach again. I get back in the car. As we pull into the office I know I am going to throw up. Yoongi can tell something is wrong.

"Nothing I am just not feeling too well."

Yoongi: Do you want to head home?"

"No. I'm okay hubby."

I give him a kiss on the cheek and we talk into the building. I make a quick stop at the restroom. My heart is pounding as I take the test. The next three minutes are agonizing, I flip over the pregnancy test. On the little screen, it says one word that makes my heart the happiest it's ever been. Joyful tears start to run down my cheeks.

I am pregnant. We're gonna have a baby.

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