Part 1

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Running as fast as I can, as far as I can... running from a beast most humans could never imagine, a beast I helped to create. The woods are getting denser and denser as I continue to run. All of a sudden, my foot gets caught. I fall and everything goes black.

Everything is still black. I don't think I can open my eyes and I can't move. I can hear the beast moving close to me. My heart is pounding in my chest. He is going to kill me. To think, this is someone I've spent my entire life loving and caring for. I feel him kneel beside me.

"Next time, don't piss off mom and dad, bitch."

A sharp pain fills my body as he digs a knife into my abdomen. I lay there in utter agony, unable to move. Blood slowly seeps into the ground. I know this is the end. After all, I trained him in how to complete the missions effectively. I slowly lose consciousness, believing this is the end.

I open my eyes to the brightest of white lights. I'm in heaven, right? As my eyes begin to focus, I realize this is not heaven. Instead, I am in a hospital bed. Why am I in a hospital? I attempt to sit up as a dull, throbbing pain fills my body. I wince and lay back down. I find the remote that calls for a staff member. I lightly press the button, and two nurses fly into the room. The first one frantically checks my machines and the second jolts to my bedside.

"What happened to me?"

"You were attacked and a park ranger found you in the woods." She says.

"I was attacked? Why would I be in the woods?"

I have complete amnesia, with no knowledge of my life. The next few weeks are an exhausting amount of surgeries and medicines. In addition, police officers are trying to figure out who I am and who attacked me.

Finally, I am released to leave, with no idea where to go and where I am supposed to be. I walk out of the hospital and take a long, deep breath of fresh air. As the fresh air fills my lungs I feel free. I begin to walk, and figure I will see something. I have to start a brand new life. I am two blocks from the hospital when everything goes black again in a new way. Something was thrown over my head. I feel four hands grab me and pull me backward before I can even react.

I can feel the humming of the vehicle underneath me and hear the conversation of three men.

"The Silver Hearts just got ourselves one fine ass assassin."

I am oddly calm. A normal person would be freaking out right now. For some reason all of this feels mundane; almost common.

I am thrown into a room. As I hear the door close, I also hear a deep, intimidating voice begin to echo through the room I am in.

"You may now remove your blindfold. Your bodyguard, Taehyung, will come for you in the morning."

I take the blindfold off and look around. This is a nice bedroom, quite beautiful actually. I go up to the window and see the lights of the city glowing beautifully in the night sky. I decide whatever the situation is I should make the best of it and try to rest. I get ready and sleep for the night.

I wake up to a light knock on my door. A man dressed in all black enters.

"Good morning, Princess. You should get ready, you have a long day ahead."

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