"What? How do you all know this?" I frowned

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"What? How do you all know this?" I frowned. They all replied together "yes we all have seen it hyung. You two have feeling for each other" and smirked.  I was surprisèd and excited enough to drag them all together and asked

"wait, do you mean she also feels for me? How are you saying it so surely? Tell me all you know" and they all started:

Tae and Jimin:   we saw her smiling to see you.

Yoongi and Jungkook: She tires to secretly stares at you just like you do.

Namjoon: she was concerned about you when she came to do your dressing the very first day moreover you told me yourself when you were following her she didnt complain about it.

Hobi: and she had even asked me about you when you were not there.

And why and but why am I the only one not to know about this. If they have seen all this then yes may be she feels for me but i want seee how much it is.

Jimin and Jungkook came again as they have an idea to confirm Y/N's feeling for me by a prank. Always maknae's are best while being playful along with me.

It was a scary idea but the desire to see her reaction made me do it. As we were going out to pull the prank Tae also joined us on the way and Jungkook took the responsibility for the arrangements. I hope things all turn well.


I was preparing for bed when someone banged my door harshly. IT WAS VERY LATE AND I WAS ALSO SCARED TO OPEN THE DOOR.

But managed to bring up my courage and I opened it to see Jungkook and Jimin carrying Jin on thier arms, who is holding his wounded abdomen which is soaked with full of blood.

YES BLOOD..I was still processing what's happening here when Tae also came inside and exclaimed "on the way someone attacked us. As we were unarmed hyung got shot and we didnt had time to go for hospital so we came here."

That sight of seeing injured Jin covered with blood really terrified me. I laid him on the couch there and said "you will be fine Jin just hold on."

He faced me and groaned "aaah...its hurting alot Y/N. I dont think i will survive this." I held him saying "shut up okay. We still have time and i know you will be okay so just be strong" and took out all the needed equipments to take out the bullet.

I was trying to calm him down without knowing about my tears rolling down on my cheeks.

He held my hands and said "i dont know how much time i have here so i want to tell you something, I think i really have feeling for you Y/N."

I had lost all my control over my emotions so let them flow all along saying "i also have feelings for you Jin and i really want you so please bare with me. We have to so much time together and i can't let you go like this and we have never started yet "

I can't let it happen again. I dont want to be alone and i have to treat Jin for it. I took out the surgical knife while tring not to be anxious to operate him but he stopped me.


The prank was successful as i got to know that she also has feelings for me and she wants me but i cant see her crying like this.

She was trembling with tears filling her face and when she tried to remove my hand from the wound, her hands were completely cold as ice. I had to tell her the truth so i held her hands to stop her and pulled her in my arms to make sure she doesn't kill me to know the truth

"Y/N dont worry. I'm perfectly fine. It was a prank pulled by us to confirm if you have feeling for me." After listening to this she was crying more and those idiots had also escaped to see her crying this much.

When i realised i messed up, i looked down at her to say "i'm sorry Y/N if i have hurt you by any way. I didn't know you had this much tools and equipments even at home. Trust me i never thought it would end up this way."

She held my back and cried "how could make this thing as a matter as part of a prank Jin. You know how scared i was because of you being wounded. 12 years back i had lost my parents in an car accident and i was with them. They couldnt get the treatment on time in hospital and i saw them losing their life in front of my life. "

she continued with a pause to control her tears, " As a 14 year girl it was the most terrifying sight of my life so i decided to save lives of the people as much as possible. thats why ..."

" that's why i have such arrangements even at home to take care of the emergencies. I had lived all these years all by myself and it was very lonely."

I DON'T KNOW WHY..STRANGELY MY EYES ARE WELLED UP AS WELL....I made my grip tight around her and while holding tears i comforted her "you are no more alone Y/N. I'm here with you and i will always be here with you so you will never be left alone ever again." She looked into my eyes ensured " "promise" and i pecked her lips to assure the promise i made.

" She looked into my eyes ensured " "promise" and i pecked her lips to assure the promise i made

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A notification message came from my phone reminded me about the time and i released Y/N from the hug.I gazed at her dry face and aked with concerns "shall i stay here for tonight?" . She got flustered .She didn't even answer and just rolled  her dovey eyes  a clockwise and anti clockwise direction.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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