Chapter 1: Trip

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It was early on a Monday morning and you were in one of the white school vans on the way to the beach for a week-long trip with the rest of your homeroom classmates. There were only about 20 of you, not including the two teachers on the trip. You went to a really small school in the middle of nowhere and you never really got along with any of the other students because they were so different from you. A nice way to put it is that they were kind of weird with the exception of your best friend, Armin, who happened to be asleep in the seat next to you. You didn't really want to even be going on this trip to begin with, but Armin convinced you that you two could have fun together. You had been friends with him since you both entered high school. It was your final year until you graduated and you were relieved to be able to finally leave that weird little school and branch out and find more people that were more similar to you.

After about two hours of driving, you made it to the beach. The teacher arranged for two different houses right next to each other to be rented for the week. One house was for the boys, and one was for the girls. Both of them were fairly small and you had to sleep in bunk beds. The good thing though was that the houses were right behind the sand so you had a good view and you didn't have to walk far at all to get to the ocean.

"Okay everyone we are going to spend the next hour unpacking and settling into the houses, so get all of your luggage and belongings and decide where everyone will be staying. If there is any arguing, I will assign you roommates!" the homeroom teacher yelled as everyone was getting their things gathered up and got off the bus. There was another teacher on the trip who was kind of just standing around, not knowing what to do, and just looking at him made you feel kind of awkward. He was only there to monitor the boys' house.

"Look at the ocean! Isn't it pretty?" Armin said in excitement as you both walked off of the driveway and got closer to the sand.

"Yeah it's a pretty nice view. I'm glad it doesn't look too crowded here. There's only a few groups of people here and there." you said as you scoped out the length of the beach that you could see.

Armin started laughing a little bit as he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" you said as you looked at him with unease.

"Nothing. It's just funny that we just got to this beautiful beach and you're just worried about how many people are around." he said as he smiled at you.

"I don't want to be seen with these other people. They're weird." you said while giggling a little. You felt bad that you were kind of harsh but it was true that your classmates were definitely odd.

After a few minutes, you and Armin went to your separate houses and unpacked. Your house was painted blue on the outside and white on the inside and was overall really pretty with beach decor here and there. There were four bedrooms. One was in its own area in the house and it was reserved for the teacher, and the other three were down a hallway and they each had sets of bunk beds in them. Your room was in the middle of the other two and you ended up being bunked with another random girl that you had never really talked to. You got bottom bunk and you were kind of glad to not have to climb up to the top bunk every time you wanted to lay down. You tucked your suitcase away so that it was out of the way and you laid down for only a minute until you heard the teacher make an announcement.

"Okay girls we are going to go outside onto the beach and meet with the boys in 30 minutes. Change into your bathing suits and make sure to wear sunscreen!"

You were hoping that you would have a little more time to unwind, but you didn't really have a choice. You got your suitcase back out and pulled out a black two piece swimsuit. You went to the bathroom and changed into it. You looked at yourself in the mirror and had to admit that you looked pretty good because it fit you really well and showed off your body type nicely. You weren't planning on going in the water, but you and Armin already had plans to lay out on the sand and sun bathe so you decided that it was a good idea to change into a swimsuit since you would be in the sun.

Before going out the door to go out on the sand where some of the other students were already setting up at, you grabbed a towel, your phone, and your airpods.

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