The hardship of being in a mafia.

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Osamu's POV: 1 hour after the smiles had gotten into the van.


Everyone from the mission was alive, thank god. Suga walked into the base pissed and Atsumu limped behind him having his support on yams and noya.
" 'Tsumu?!" I ran up to my older brother concerned as I he hugged me the tightly. It felt the same as when I lost Suna. Right then and there I realized what was going on.

"What are you going to do about it?" I spoke.

I felt my twin shake, he was wet and cold, hurt and most likely sore. He started to sob. I've never seen so hurt, I know how it feels.

"H-he...he couldn't ev-even look at me in the face! I-Omi-He-AAHH!" I heard my sob and stutter looking for words, he screamed in pain of losing his lover, whatever the fuck happened on the mission. On top of that he was bleeding everywhere.

"Get Ushijima here we need the medic."
"He's been called. He should be he-" noya started before being interrupted by the doors busting open , ushijima coming in soon after.

"Where is he?! Get me ice, and wet rags." He said seeing Atsumu. "Atsumu..."
Atsumu was balling his heart out as he clenched his heart and arm, everyone knew what had happened, the twins have had the same reaction when Suna had died.
Usbijima rushed over and supported his head under some towels lying him down on the couch.

"Where's T-Tooru??" Atsumu shuddered out.

"He's at my house" ushijima replied. "Remember Hajime Iwaizumi? Oikawa is there watching over him."

"R-right...He's locked up..."
"But he's smart. He almost saw my face a few hours ago."
"Does he know it's Tooru?"
"I believe he thinks seeing Oikawa was a dream."

OIKAWA'S POV: an hour ago when ushijima got the call to come in.


Ring ring ring

"Medic! your phone!" I called out the ushijima from downstairs. He came rushing down and looked at me, as I handed him his phone.
"Thank you."
Ushijima quickly answered when he saw the number. "It's Nishinoya."
"What?" I was felt my heart drop as ushijima eyes widened and his eyebrows furrow.
The call only lasted a few seconds before ushijima hung up and grabbed his stuff bolting up the stairs and getting his medical things.
"What happened?!
It was silent before ushijima came back down stairs. "Atsumu! He-he's hurt."
"I'll come with you!"
"No! You must stay here with iwaizumi."
" can't expect me to sit by when my best friend is dying!"
Ushijima had never risen his voice with me. Ngl it was kinda ho- ahem.
"If dies in cutting your face off."
"If he dies ill let you. Then I'll fucking eat it with my sorrow and pride."
Ushijima nods and he shoots out the door.

I sigh. I put on my smiles mask and opened up the basement door walking down seeing Iwa-Chan sitting there.
"Don't look so sad. I'm here no-"
"Shut the fuck up."
"...who are you anyways?!"
"That's a secret."
"Are you going to kill me anytime soon?"
"When are you going to kill me?"
"Why would we kill you?!"
"If your not going to kill me then let me go!"
"I can't!"
"Because your smart."
"Hajime Iwazumi...your name sounds familiar."
Why would I say that?! God. I feel like being fucked up. I'm angry I'm sad I have so many emotions and I want to take them out on someone!...sorry Iwa-Chan...
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not su-...oh! That's it! Iwa-Chan!"
I see Hajime stand up and try to walk towards me but the rope stopped him from getting to close.
"I can't remember."
"BULLSHIT! BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!" I see this handsome tear up as he struggled to get closer to me.
"Your right. I can't remember his name but there was this hella annoying gay boy who when I first joined wouldn't stop talking about how 'Iwa-Chan will come and save me! If anyone can it's him! I believe in him he's smart! He'll find me!' The dumbass."
"Oh? So you do know him? I forgot his name."
"...Oikawa Tooru."
"OH THATS RIGHT! My first kill."
There was silence in the room, I felt his aura become hostile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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