chapter thirteen - assistance

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Luna made it to the hangar, dragging Ben along with her. She was sobbing, but was fighting her instinct to curl up in a ball and never be seen again. Ben needed her, and she had to get over her fears. She and Ben would get out of there, or she would die trying.

Suddenly she found herself cornered. There were stormtroopers everywhere and they were all shouting with their guns drawn. The noise, the blood, it was all becoming too much. Ben was laying limp under her, and she was shielding his body. She couldn't let him get hurt anymore. She looked down at him- he was losing a lot of blood...he was dying. And it was all her fault. Snoke had been right, she really had been his weakness. She let out a pained scream, tears streaming down her face. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice booming, "Enough!"

The stormtroopers immediately parted ways so that the man could make his way through. It was General Hux, and trailing behind him was Cassie, dressed in an extravagant evening gown. Hux called off the stormtroopers and Cassie ran to Luna, holding her in her arms as she cried, accidentally smearing blood all over her dress. As Cassie attempted to calm Luna, Hux took Ben to the infirmary.

Cassie brought Luna to her quarters and took care of her, bathing her and getting her dressed as she sobbed. It was kind of comforting, and reminded Luna of old times. Cassie explained that when Ben and Luna had left for Lothal, Snoke had sensed that Ben was turning to the light side. He brought Hux to the Supremacy to keep an eye on him. Cassie had come along as his assistant, and they married in secret. Luna was fascinated by this news, and hugged her best friend. She was so happy for her because she knew how happy she was with Hux.

Luna and Cassie caught up with each other, Luna finally beginning to calm down when Hux informed her that Ben had made it successfully through surgery. Luna explained that she and Ben were going to go off to Lothal and live a peaceful life there. Hearing about her best friend's love made Cassie so happy, and she told her that she would visit all the time. She and Hux were going to stay on the Supremacy and change some things around.

It was so nice to hear that her best friend was happy, and when Ben got out of his surgery, Luna went to see him. He was asleep when she got in, but she held his hand and watched him as he slept peacefully. She was so grateful that he was alive. She fell asleep sitting next to his hospital bed, holding his hand tightly.

into the darkness - kylo ren / ben soloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon