chapter twelve - the storm

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Luna slept so soundly in Ben's arms that he didn't want to wake her. He hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep, the anticipation of the next day had kept him up despite the comfort of the body next to him. He slowly and carefully slid out of bed, planning to make a big breakfast for the two of them. As he was getting up, Luna grabbed his arm and curled up around it. It was so cute that, despite his nerves, he cracked a smile. "My precious Luna, how am I going to protect you?" he whispered softly, stroking her hair. He kissed her forehead and made his way out to the kitchen.

The Princess woke up to the smell of delicious food and sat up in bed. She was naked, and remembered the night before. A huge grin made its way onto her lips as she got dressed and brushed her hair out. She went out into the kitchen where Ben had just finished cooking the last pancake. He set her plate down. It looked delicious, there was even fresh fruit on the side. And he was wearing the watch she had given him. She smiled up at him as he leaned down to give her a kiss. The kiss filled her with a sense of warmth and security. She was nervous about what was to come, she wished they could just stay on Lothal forever.

When they were done with breakfast, they got ready to leave. As they were leaving out the front door, they looked back at it all in longing. "We'll be back here soon enough," Ben said softly and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. They made their way down to the ship, and Luna sat in the copilot seat. Ben gave her an amused look and brought them up into the air. And so there they were, setting off on their journey.

When they arrived at The Supremacy, they were brought in. Luna gulped and watched Ben with wide eyes. He gave her a reassuring look, and she knew it would be okay. They were going to do this. Her lightsaber was hidden on her somewhere, but Snoke could probably figure that out easily, so she would just have to rely on Ben's force skills to get it back for her.

They were brought by a group of stormtroopers into Snoke's throne room. Luna froze in her tracks when she saw him. A stormtrooper, frustrated with her sudden stopping, pushed her to keep going. The strength of the push caused her to lurch forward, crying out. She managed to catch herself with her hands, but these actions sent Ben into a rage. "Keep your hands off of her or I'll have your head!" he shouted, pushing the stormtrooper back and helping Luna up.

"Enough," came the coarse, spine-tingling voice of Snoke. All of a sudden, it was as if Luna couldn't control her movements. She lurched forward and kept going, moving fast toward Snoke. Ben ran towards her, but suddenly he stopped and seemed immobile. He grunted as he tried to pry himself from his old mentor's force grip. "Come here, child," Snoke said as he forced her to stop right in front of him. She heard Ben drop to the ground behind her, gasping for hair. Snoke cackled at this, and she could hear Ben struggling.

"Stop it! Please! I'll do anything," she screamed, unable to move anything but her mouth. Snoke smirked at this, and let go of his grip on Ben. Ben coughed and gasped for a couple of seconds, and then suddenly he was right next to her.

"Kylo, you will kill her. She is nothing but a weakness. She will be the end of you if you continue down this path," Snoke said as he let go of his hold on both of them. They dropped to the ground and Ben stared at her, his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber. He looked like he was actually considering it. Was Snoke's influence on him really that strong?

"Ben..." she whispered. "Ben, come back to me. Don't let him do this to you," she begged as he activated his lightsaber. He placed his saber next to her neck and she whimpered at the heat radiating off of it. His eyes were blank, and he looked at her the same way he had when they first met. He was empty. Luna bit her lip as tears began to fall. So this was her fate. To be beheaded by her lover. That's okay, she wouldn't fight it. As long as he got to live, that's all that really mattered to her. She'd gotten enough time with him to satisfy her. She nodded slowly, murmuring, "It's okay, Ben. Do it. It's okay, I love you."

There was a flicker of sadness in his eyes before he shook his head, his stare growing cold once more. He raised his lightsaber, and she shut her eyes, wincing and clenching her firsts. She heard the lightsaber come down, but it never hit her. She heard a groan and looked up, eyes widening. Ben had sliced Snoke in half. "Oh my god," she said softly as he helped her up. Suddenly, the stormtroopers were running at them, and Ben gave her a nod. She pulled out her lightsaber and ignited it for the first time since the incident.

Together, she and Ben fought the stormtroopers. She was occupied by one stormtrooper when another came and attacked Ben from behind, shooting him in the leg. Luna screamed, and reached for Ben. The stormtrooper who had shot him went up in flames. Oops. She kicked away the stormtrooper she had been fighting with and ran towards Ben. Suddenly the whole room was engulfed in flames. She really needed to learn how to control her powers. She needed to get Ben out of there, but she didn't know what to do. She began to panic, and he looked up at her, panting. "You're going to be okay. Go. Now, get to the ship," he begged, stroking her cheek with his gloved hand.

No, she would not let that happen. Ben fell unconscious and Luna managed to drag his bleeding body through the throne room. A stormtrooper attacked her as she was exiting and she managed to fight him off, continuing to drag him to the hangar, where their ship would be. She would probably have to fight off plenty more people, which would be difficult due to her lack of skill, but she would manage. She would do anything for her love.

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