warning: I've never been to court nor have I watched Judge Judy, so idk how this shit works

Also I'm pretty sure I mention SC's mom's age at some point, well; forget that lol
btw the names I use for his parents are fake, I'm not gonna use any idol to picture as his parents

February 12, Sunday 2020

"I'm scared." Sungchan mumbled, Shotaro turning to look to the younger who sat with his knees to his chest, a worried look in his eyes. A bit of fear.

The two sat in the back seat of Dongyoung's car, Jungwoo in the passenger seat. The four of them were on their way to the courthouse. Sungchan for obvious reasons; Shotaro, Jungwoo, and Dongyoung for beige witnesses of the abuse that one night. Shotaro especially was needed, being the one who mostly provided the evidence of the wounds. Jaehyun would be waiting for them at the courthouse, and so would his parents.

   The car ride was silent, the elder two peeking through the rear view mirror to glance at the two from time to time, and Shotaro silently holding Sungchan's hand to comfort him.

Timeskip brought to you by Yuta's Relay Cam 💚

"We're here."

The four got out the car, everyone was wearing formal clothing as it was a courthouse. Dongyoung and Sungchan wore black buttonups with jeans, Jungwoo wore a grey plaid shirt and tan slacks, and Shotaro had a black buttonup and black close fitting slacks, which strangely enough highlighted his long legs— Maybe I should wear this more often-

"Hey guys, I'll take you to the courtroom." Jaehyun greeted them as soon as they walked in, wearing a clean and classic black suit. Leading them down the corridor, he walked beside Sungchan. Shotaro looked at the younger, glancing at the elder beside him and notice the two had very similar hair colours, Jaehyun's a darker tone of brown, though; they also had similar pale skin -although Sungchan's did look a tad bit healthier. Shotaro stopped comparing the two as they reached the courtroom.

Jaehyun opened the door to the courtroom, letting the others in before himself. He hadn't seen Sungchan's parents before today so he never saw them, so he was solely judging them based on the evidence he has; which he mostly prefers, able to collect dirt on the opponent solely based o action instead of looks. Plus, he liked the surprise of seeing the offending side (is that correct word? Opposing side? Bitch I've never been to court, idk terms).

But the people he's seeing today... nothing could've prepared him for it. It was quite an.. unpleasant surprise for him.

General POV/timeskip brought to you by Jaehyun's Chill Relay Cam

Sungchan sat nervously between Shotaro and Jaehyun, looking at his hand sin his lap. To the left, just a few feet, a few meters away were his mother and stepfather. So close, closer to him then they were for the last few weeks. It was unsettling for him, then being so near. His fingers fidgeted with the helm of his sleeves until a warm hand found its way on top his own, wrapping itself around him. Looking to his right he looked at Shotaro in the eyes, giving the silver haired a small smile.

"Order in the court!" The loud banging of the judge's hammer sounded through out the room, silencing the quiet chatter. The judge gestured for Jaehyun to speak.

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