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*mistakes most likely made cuz I'm publishing this at 12am and my phone's about I die so like— gotta publish before it dies 😬*

January 25, Wednesday 2020

   "Come-on, I'll even do it for you!" His eyes widened in fear as he turned to Donghyuck, who had somehow silently snaked his arm around him to pull up both sides of his hoodie.

   Before he had time to react, cold air hit his stomach and ribs.


Shocked, scared, Sungchan elbowed Donghyuck's hands away, tugging the grey hoodie back down, bringing his knee up in front of them.

It was silent, everyone had saw. They all saw the colourful bruises, the long and short cuts. It looked far more than a simple bumped into furniture or tripped and fell ordeals.

"Sung– Sungchan-ah... um, those bruises—" He cut Kun off in a quiet voice.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." His voice was quiet, very quiet, but sounded loud in the still-shocked room. The brunet's head was down, not looking up to meet the eyes of concerns of the others. He was afraid to meet their eyes, afraid of the reactions, Do they think I'm weak? Idiotic?

   "Sungchan-ah," He hears two people kneel in front of him. Looking up slightly he saw Dongyoung with Jungwoo just behind him. "I'm a med student, Jungwoo is too, remember?" Nodding slowly, Dongyoung continue his voice soft as he reached to him, grabbing lightly the sleeve of his hoodie, "Can we look at your wounds? Can you please take off your ho—"


   He was quick to say it, too. He was just as quick to push away the hand of the elder as well. No one can look beneath this hoodie... Jungwoo noticed tears beginning to fall down his face and his breathing getting uneven, starting to hyperventilating. What will happen when they do? What if they find out it was my parents who did it? Th-they'll call CPS and take them away— I'll be sent to an orphanage or foster– no, I wouldn't, I'm eighteen... —do they allow eighteen year olds to stay and then kick them out at nineteen or is it when you're eighteen you gotta go?— I'll be left homeless by myself—

   "Sungchan!" He snapped out of, finding a little trouble breathing and finding his hands shaking, he looked up to Jungwoo who held his hands, Warm... "Channie, breathe. Breathe with me, in one, two, three, four, five, out one, two, three, four, five,"

   They continued breathing until Sungchan's breathing was more or less even. Everyone else watching, some of them watching and listening as the they breathed, some remembering the countless yellow and brown bruises they saw on the young boy. It was sickening. Who would do this to him?

   "C-can," Everyone país attention to the brunet, "Can I go h-home?" He looked specifically at Lucas, after all, it was his party.

   Lucas was quick to say something after seeing the look on Jungwoo's face. "Of course, if you want! You don't even have I ask me!"

   Sungchan mumbled, "But I-it's your birthday party..."

   Lucas glanced at his wristwatch, "Haha, actually it's no longer my birthday! Now it's just a party, you can go whenever you want Sungchannie!"

   Wiping the tears away and nodding, Sungchan stood up, legs shaky –from sitting in a leg numbing position– and paired with his doe eyes he seemed like a baby deer learning to walk.

   "Dongyoung-hyung and I will drive Sungchan home then." Jungwoo informed the others, who had begun to make a bit of noise, whispering to each other. The three were heading to the door when-

[✔️] Deer-Like Eyes | Tarochan/SungtaroWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu