She used to be a bigger girl, but during our junior year she drastically changed, starting to exercise often and went on a diet.  She said it was because she wanted to be healthy, but I knew better. A lot of other girls teased and taunted her, and she'd had enough. Seeing this photo of her in her freshmen year only brought back bad memories, and I instantly take the framed picture out of her hands and hand it back to Sana, silently cursing her out in my head for being so inconsiderate.

Of course, being naturally skinny as she was, Sana had never understood Yeeun's struggles with her figure. She didn't mean to cause hurt upon Yeeun, she just didn't know better. "Let's put in a newer photo instead," you suggest.

"What, why?" Sana exclaims, oblivious.

"High school was shit anyways. We're in college now, so let's fill this place up with new memories." I clasp a hand on Yeeun's shoulder, squeezing it. She sends me a grateful smile while Sana puts the picture back down into the box.

I look at the clock, seeing it's almost 8pm already. "Let's go get something to eat," I say.

"We could just order some takeout. I'm tired and I still got all this," Sana mumbles, gesturing towards the heaps of stuff still laying in a big pile waiting to be picked up.

Yeeun gasps, clapping her hands excitedly. "Why don't we go out instead?" She asks. I'm glad to see she's back to her usual self.

Then I process what she's suggesting. "Out? As in, clubbing?"

"No." It's not Yeeun who responds, but Sana. "We're not going out tonight." She's got her hands on her hips, eyes sending daggers towards Yeeun for even bringing up such a thing. "Tomorrow is our first day of classes, and neither of us is going to show up hungover."

Yeeun complains at her friend. "We don't have to get wasted, just have some fun."

I am intrigued by the idea of going out to dance and let loose for a bit, but a part of me repels at the thought, too. I haven't been out in ages. And deciding to do it on the night before university begins for real isn't a good idea. You have to take Sana's side on this.

"She's right, Yeeun. My first class starts eight am."

Sana grins in satisfaction. She's won.

Yeeun pouts. "Well, my first class starts at eleven. I was planning we go to this coffee shop I've heard amazing things about. It's only forty minutes away—"

"Forty minutes? No way." Sana objects again.

I throw myself on the bed again, already scrolling through my phone for takeout places nearby. "We can go this weekend. To the coffee shop as well as the club."

Yeeun reluctantly agrees to that compromise. You can tell she's excited to start this college experience already. Despite not living in the dorms, she wants the full student experience.

Sana and I were sharing a dorm at the campus while Yeeun was still staying at home. Her father needed help with her younger siblings, and Yeeun was the oldest child. She couldn't leave them quite yet. And also, their place wasn't far from the university. She was fine with living at home for a bit longer, and I knew that she wanted to help her family, but I could also see the disappointment in her eyes as she was eyeing mine and Sana's dorm. She wanted to be here with us, too.

I ask the both of them what they want from a pizzeria nearby and then call the place, placing our order. I can't wait to get my pepperoni pizza and devour it whole. It has taken all day to move, since I was lazy and stupid enough not to even start packing until last night. It still felt surreal, that I'm not living with my mom and brother anymore. Well, my brother moved out two weeks ago, so I suppose I should've gotten used to that already. But I barely saw him around these days anyway. My twin brother. How things had changed this past year. I wonder when the next time we talk will be. If ever.

A Broken Toy (j.jk x reader)Where stories live. Discover now