Andres stuck his hand forward and pulled his sister's hair. "Shut up, you." He reached for the door handle. "Thank you for the ride, Akaashi-san," he said right before he stepped out of the car. 

"We should probably get going, too," Laila murmured as she grabbed her bag again. "I know I need to put up flyers for club as soon as possible."

Akaashi groaned, extending an arm backwards to grab his backpack. "So do I. Alright, let's go."


"I'm ready, I'm ready!" Y/N said as she slipped on her shoes at her home entrance, using the opened door for balance. "Bye, Ama!" she called out into the house, closing the door behind her.

"Well, seems like you made it and we have extra time to spare," Ennoshita said, draping an arm over his best friend and pinching her cheek. "Why don't we stop for coffee on the way? My treat," he offered the group.

"Sounds good," Bakugo shrugged, already walking ahead of the other three. 

He received sighs at his actions and they began the walk to school, stopping by a coffee shop to pick up drinks as Ennoshita had offered. It was strangely quiet as everyone sipped on their coffees. That was until they ran into Tanaka and Nishinoya a few minutes away from Karasuno. They livened up the anxious air easily, jumping around and talking about how they were ready to 'rule the school'.

They met up with Kinoshita and Narita at the third year hall that was crowded with students hurrying to compare schedules and other things. 

This year Tanaka was in Class 2, Kinoshita and Nishinoya in Class 3, Kirishima and Narita in Class 4, and Bakugo, Y/N, and Ennoshita were in Class 5. The school day dragged on for everyone, even if it was an "easy" day filled with going over the class syllabus, doing icebreakers and for some classes doing small assignments to test each students' knowledge they obtained from the previous school year. 

Akaashi's day went the same, boring class after boring class. Then having to be at the gym after school for over an hour to wait for kohai who might want to join the volleyball team this year. The highlight of his day was getting to text Y/N during lunch break, missing her more than usual.

Since Ennoshita was captain he also had to wait at the gym in the case people wanted to join the team. Everyone else that was on the team showed up to the gym as well, a few of them stretching and getting in a very mild practice. But the third years only stayed for half an hour, since no one was showing up just yet. It was the first day of school after all, and official practices weren't going to start for another week. Ennoshita left Yamaguchi and Yachi, who joined as assistant manager, in charge and told them to close up once the dynamic duo was done. 

"Let's go somewhere!" Tanaka screamed out as soon as they left the gym. 

"No can do," Y/N sighed, kicking a rock on the ground. "I have to fill out a whole bunch of forms, and I want to get them out of the way A.S.A.P. Count me out."

"You suck," Tanaka pouted. "We just got through our first day. Let's celebrate."

"What about at your work? You can still get your stuff done and we can hang out," Nishinoya begged, tugging on Y/N's blazer.

"You're so whiny," Y/N complained, removing Nishinoya's hands. "Sure, we can do that. But if any of you get ice cream on my forms, you will die instantly."

Chuckles and murmurs of agreement sounded around the group. From the distance Kirishima caught sight of them, grabbing on Bakugo's arm so they could catch up. 

"I'm tired, I want to go home," Bakugo grumbled. "Go see your little girlfriend on your own. You are neighbors."

"She has a boyfriend," Kirishima snapped at the blond. "They're probably going home, too. Let's walk with them," he said, pulling Bakugo along. "Y/N! Ennoshita!"

I'm Here //IWBFDYT 2// {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now