part 2

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Next day

Mahira's p o v

Im in my class now. Listening to some filthy lecture. This is literally disturbing me from talking to my friend. Cant they just shut up? Dont they know that It's not good to disturb someone when they are talking?  Ugghhh.

Outside the college building, my 2 bodyguards are waiting. Damn it sucks..Cant I just be free? Ugghh. Screw it.

After some annoying minutes the class came to an end.

I stood up with my bag & left the class room . I went out of the College building after 20 minutes of gossiping knowing the fact that the guards would be annoyed. But


Guard 1: good afternoon ma'am


Guard 1: shall we get going?

Me: of course. Why would we stay here 😑

They opened the car door for me & I got in.

After 1 hour

I have reached home. Without sparing a glance to anyone I went straight to my room. I threw my bag & went to the bathroom to take a shower.


I was eating pizza now. Though mom told me not to have much fast foods as I will become fatty & its unhealthy.

But once again


You Only Live Once so just chill 🤟🏻

I was chilling until a knock was Being heard.

Me: come in

Maid: ma'am Sir has arrived. He is calling you downstairs.

Me: okayyy coming.

I went downstairs after eating the last slice of my precious pizza .

Me: papa, welcome home

Dad: how was your day Princess?

Me: good. What about yours?

Dad: Alhamdulillah. The day after Tomorrow there's a party & we must go.

Me : I dont wanna Attend those boring parties. All old people talking about office, business & stuffs that Im not Interested in.

Mom : Try to talk with some manner Mahira. Those are your dad's  friends,seniors & more.

Me: whatever (I whispered)

Dad: yes Princess. Do not talk like that. Here's my credit card take it. You have to go shopping tomorrow right princess?

Me: if so then Ok I'll attend  😁

I took the card & went to my room

I texted my friends that we are going shopping tomorrow. They'll accompany me cause damn I dont wanna go to shopping with those guards alone.

After having dinner I played games till 2am. I wanted to continue playing but Mom didnt let that happen 😓😓

Next day

As always I argued with mom today before coming to my College & Im in a damn bad mood. Ugh . Cant she just stop shouting & scolding?  & she told the guards to look after me ever more 😑 And today im gonna go to my friend's house without these Guards knowing 😌 I have to run, escape or whatever you say.

I have to bunk the last class for that. And it isn't my first time bunking. I have some skills & experience 😉😉

I borrowed one of my friend's jacket & scarf. I covered my face in such a manner that guards will never recognize. I successfully escaped from there. After walking for 2 minutes, I did a small run to the alley. Its a secret yet silent road. I was running, not so fast & peeping behind time to time. &


I bumped into a wall.I sat on my Butt.  Damn it hurts a Lot. I looked at the wall but no Its a man.... Like whattt??? Why is he so strong?????? Feels like iron man 😐

He looked at me furiously but it vanished when I looked back at him.

Me: dont you have eyes? Rascal

****: I was walking & you were the one who ran to me.

Me: NOW YOU ARE ARGUING, do you even know with whom you are talking? 

****: whom?

Me: I can dismiss your life in a blink of eye. So apologise & leave

****:why should I?

Me: are you trying to show your guts? IDIOT

A mascular man came behind him, realising that person's presence This IDIOT yet Iron man's face tensed up. He clenched his jaw & signalled that man.

****: sorry

He quickly said, barely audible. Before I could demand him to say again he went away with that man. More like they vanished.

So weird. Anyways he at least apologised. I continued walking till I reach my friend's house. 

I knocked once & she opened the door

Maria : you took so long mahiiii (she hugged me)

I slightly back hugged her & got in.

I have to talk to my friend. So bye

Sorry for late 😔

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Assalamualaikum  😊

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