part 1

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Mahira's p o v

I was chasing.

Chasing a butterfly.

The most beautiful butterfly I've ever seen.

It was flying continuously.

& I was trying to catch it.

I was about to do that but someone started to call me continuously.

I tried to make that person go..
But no

Maid: Ma'am, ma'am wake up. Its time for Your class.

The butterfly & all vanished. It became totally black. Being pissed I woke up with an incomplete dream
.this girl is so Mannerless. Doesn't she even know dreaming is a basic human right? She didn't even lemme complete it.

Me:what on earth is wanted by you from me?

Maid: sorry ma'am. But its time for your class

Me: so what?

Maid: Its 8 am ma'am

Me: so? Wait what?????? Why Didn't you wake me up.. Useless

I ran to my washroom to freshen up while the maid cleaned my bed.

So, Im mahira.Muslim. But neither a perfect Muslimah nor a hijabi. I usually dont perform my prayer. Im the only Daughter of one of the most powerful officers of Islamabad, Pakistan. People may say Im a rich spoilt punk. Let them say what they want. Cause this is me, who I am with all my faults & mistakes. Yes Im self-obsessed. But YOU CANT STOP ME LOVING MYSELF.

Oh no,Im already late. So I must stop talking. Though the Professor cant scold me. But I dont wanna miss the English lecture.Cause IM IN LOVE WITH THE SHAPE OF it 😁😁. Back to freshening up.

After freshening up, I went downstairs, to find my dad waiting on the dining table... He never eat in my absence. Yes he loves me a lot. & I should be loved in every possible way 😎
Mom is also sitting there with a frown.

Dad (mr Hossain) : good morning Princess. Did you sleep well?

Me: yes Papa. Good morning btw

Mom (mrs Hossain) : it isnt good Mahira. Why don't YOU stay in discipline? You often go to YOUR class late.

Dad: dont scold my princess in the morning. Lets eat.

Mom: you are just spoiling her.

Mahira: papa, am I really a spoilt daughter?( I said with puppy eyes)

Dad: no dear, you are the best daughter

Mahira: thank you Papa.. You are the best papa. ( I side-hugged him)

Mom: did you perform your fazr prayer?

I tried to avoid the question.

Me: what's for breakfast dad?

Mom: it's all served in the table, cant you see? & you Didn't perform YOUR prayer right?

I lowered my head cause She's right.

Mom: I knew it. Didn't we teach you how to perform your prayers? & Didn't I wake you up at that time?

I nodded

Mom: then why Didn't you Pray? You must went to sleep again right?

I nodded, feeling defeated.

Mom: why are you like this? You know in quran Allah said "and whoever turns away from my remembrance - indeed he Will have a depressed life".

I was now speechless

Dad: enough. I know praying is important & she'll start DOING it soon. We may have our breakfast now.

The maid served the food.We had breakfast. I was kinda silent. I didn't speak a word unless dad would ask, if I needed more.

After breakfast

I tied my hair. Put my jacket on & bag. Was wearing my shoe.

Mom: when will you start wearing YOUR abaya? Don't you think its IMPORTANT? After every farz, covering is also a farz (must).

Me: I will soon.

Mom: when is that? You have been saying this since the last 8 years.

Dad: Samira, stop. She Will once she feel like doing it. We shouldn't force her.

Mom: but its for her own safety.

Dad: there's always 2 bodyguards with her. Moreover everyone in this city knows that She's my daughter. So no one will dare to do anything to her. Now Princess you may go. Bye have a great day. ( he approached me & kissed my forehead)

Mom: whatever you say. I can say as a mother but she has to take the action. If she Doesn't understand what's good for her then I can do nothing

I rolled my eyes.

Ok it isnt like I hate her. But she scolds me a lot. In this whole world no one dares to scold me. & dad never say such harsh things.. Only my mother Does that. Its irritating.

Me: bye. Im getting late.

Dad: me too. See you in evening.

Mom: be safe to of you. Read ayutul Kursi before Leaving

Dad: I Have already done that.

I lowered my head again & trying to avoid this.

Mom: you haven't memorized it yet ,right Mahira?

Me: I will soon mom.

Mom: you......

Dad: now dont argue on this. Im going.

Dad left with me. He used his car & I went with my car. Papa brought me this Ferrari on my 20th birthday cause I broke the glasses of my Lamborghini which he gifted me on my 18th Birthday. Now bye,I have classes to attend.

That was the first part😶

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