(二) Beautiful distraction

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" she came up to you running.

"Y-Yes" you immediately stood up. "It was nothing really" you said as you held your cheek that was probably very damaged.

"Um, are you the coach?"
"No, I'm the manager Shimizu Kiyoko! Nice to meet you!" you both shook your hands. "And that's Michimiya, a club mate" she also pointed at Michimiya, but her eyes were fixated at the captain only. Unlike Shimizu she didn't spark your interest up.

Shimizu Kiyoko huh? A rare beauty indeed.

You were looking at her as she walked away and before Tsukishima could tease you for this, you pointed your finger at him and said "Not. Now" and walked away.

"This is so embarrassing. Shōyō you spike this time"

Kageyama tosses perfectly to Hinata and he spikes the ball very fast and even with his eyes closed.
As Hinata lands, Daichi points out in shock that Hinata had his eyes closed, surprising everyone. Even you.

"I closed my eyes because I trust Kageyama"

The setter's perplexed at Hinata's complete trust in his tosses but realizes that he can now utilize all of Hinata's skills to his advantage.

After the next few quicks fail, you decided to give spiking another try.

Okay (F/N) this time no distractions! Look at the ball only!

The next move, you run to Kageyama to spike and this time you successfully manage to do so. Tsukishima falls for it, yelling at Yamaguchi to move closer to him so they could block you. However, at the last minute, you switch gears and run towards the opposite direction.

I have to stay ahead, even if it's only one second faster.

As you spike, you feel a rush of serotonin flowing inside of you. It was just like the first time you started to play volleyball.

Kageyama becomes aware of the ball, blockers, and spikers. He can't overlook any details. With the perfect timing and angle, Kageyama tosses to Hinata. The spike successfully hits Yamaguchi, who fails to receive it, giving Kageyama, you and Hinata's team the point. On the side, Sugawara and Kinoshita are awed by the spikes and Kageyama's true ability as a setter.

"Hinata was the one to bring your true skills out" Sugawara comments.

As Kageyama's sets start hitting Hinata's hands every time, Tsukishima is forced to change his tactics at blocking and starts to block Hinata. This frees you up on the other side, and the team of Kageyama, you and Hinata wins the first round with 25-15.

Kageyama and Hinata's team continues to score in the second round, and this causes Tsukishima to play more seriously. The accurate tosses are starting to take their toll on the freak-quick duo, as Ennoshita, Sugawara, and Kinoshita note, but the third year can tell that despite the fatigue, Kageyama and Hinata are truly having fun. Your team then wins against Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Daichi with the score of 25-20.

The two-third years are quite shocked at Hinata and Kageyama's skills, as a duo, they may exceed all expectations. You, Hinata and Kageyama walk up to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, and you hold out your hand to the blond to shake but Tsukishima declines.

"сука" you say directly at him.

"What does that mean?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, it means good game!" you reply while subtly smiling and rubbing your neck.

Hinata whispers to him that they would kick him out of the team if he doesn't show team spirit. However, Tsukishima reveals to the two that they were kicked out because they had ignored the captain, started their own competition, and knocked the dean's wig off his head. Off to the sides, Tanaka wonders what they are doing, and you are finally able to shake Tsukishima's hand, much to his chagrin.

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