Now that Ye Jiao says that Ye Pingrong is back, Qi Yun has no doubts.

After contacting the previous border victory, Qi Yun stretched out his hand and patted Ye Jiao's back lightly: "My relatives are gone and come back. This is a happy event."

Little Ginseng also nodded and said softly: "Big brother is a good person, so he should live well."

Qi Yun said again: "Then why did he run in such a hurry just now? Since we met, he should be invited to sit at home."

Ye Jiao replied softly: "As soon as we said a few words, we saw chaos outside. He said that someone he followed might be in trouble, and he would come to me again in the future and then left."


Qi Yun frowned slightly. The word "following" is not easy to say. Ye Dalang looked at Kong Wu forcefully, and he didn't look like a bad guy, especially wearing official boots on his feet. Qi Yun could see clearly.

Since he was a errand, it is probably not rich or expensive to be so nervous.

At this time, the riots outside had slowly subsided.

Tiezi has been standing at the door and looking out. He ran back and said to the two people: "The juggler accidentally overturned the brazier and lit the stall. Then the smoke started, and the fire was extinguished now. It’s not a big deal."

The crowd outside also gradually calmed down, and the already dim surface of the river was bright again.

Ye Jiao remembered Kong Ming's lamp, and tugged Qi Yun: "Xiang Gong, where are the lamps you said to buy?"

Qi Yun had apparently forgotten the Kongming Lantern that he had thrown on the ground casually. He was afraid of being trampled on by others, so he said to Xiao Su, "Look at the door."

Xiao Su responded and ran out to look for it, and saw a Kongming Lantern that hadn't been lit pitifully leaning against the wall, shaking in the cold wind, with a few more footprints on it.

Upon seeing this, Tiezi didn't let Xiaosu take in the broken lamp to disturb their interest, but said to the inside: "Master, I will buy another one."

Qi Yun understood, and nodded to Tiezi.

Not long after, Tiezi bought a new one and brought it back, and handed it to Xiao Su for her to take it in.

She carried the lamp in, and Qi Yun took it. Instead of giving it to Ye Jiao immediately, she borrowed a pen from the tea shop shopkeeper and wrote two poems on it.

Ye Jiao leaned over and saw that Qi Yun had written two lines of characters in beautiful teeny lower letters.

‘Linglong dice puts red beans into the bones and knows nothing. ’

In fact, when Qi Yun just picked up the pen, he didn't know what he should write, but when he turned his head and looked at the girl who was looking at him, he wrote these two sentences.

Jiao Niang was thinking of him, so he was not the same.

If it were in the past, Qi Yun would have thought these love verses hypocritical, but now he thinks it is so appropriate and close to the heart.

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