"And I wasn't lying when I told you being around you is too much for me to handle.", she admitted.

Lindsey sighed sadly, then rested his chin upon one of her shoulder blades, feeling her tense body starting to relax some, "I didn't want to anger you with my call. I just guess that your present really got to me in a way. I was determined not to call you after our talk before the show, to give you the space you needed, but as soon as I held that necklace in my hands, I couldn't stop myself from dialing your number."

His honest words caused Stevie to turn her head slightly, and in that moment, she recognized the piece of jewelry hanging around his neck for the first time. Somewhat carefully, she reached out to touch it, memories of the very day she gave it to him flashing her mind. Almost exactly forty years had gone by since then. Her much younger self had bought it as a birthday present for him, she had saved every possible penny she had made back then with cleaning and waitressing just to have something beautiful for her boyfriend. Now, it was back at its rightful place, clasped around Lindsey's tanned neck, just where it belonged.

As Lindsey felt the touch of her fingertips on his bare skin, a shot of electricity ran through his whole body. He closed his eyes for a second, deep inside counting to ten to keep himself from doing something stupid he might regret later on, but failing miserably at it. Gently but with enough force to get his point across, he pushed her body up against the door she had just tried to escape through, his forehead pressing against the nape of her neck as her smell filled his nose. Both their breathing elevated, his fingers slipped in-between hers as they rested against the wooden surface of the door.

"I just can't seem to stop myself," Lindsey said in a low whisper, "Steves, I swear, I'm trying so hard to resist you but I just can't do it. The need is too strong."

Stevie tilted her head into his direction, her dark brown eyes wandered from his intense blue ones down to his lips that looked way too inviting for her liking. "Kiss me."

Lindsey's eyes turned wide, almost as if he thought he had not heard her right, "You want me to....? Are you sure?"

"Yeah", Stevie said with a nod of her head, then moved forward to do the job herself.

Both of them moaned loudly. The feeling of their mouths colliding just way too exquisite. Lindsey couldn't keep himself from pushing his hips against her ass, her whole front now pressed tightly against the door, as they kissed passionately. Soon, he started to thrust lightly against her back, he didn't even do it on purpose, it just happened naturally, but Stevie didn't seem to mind at all, as she only started to kiss him harder. His tongue swiped at hers another couple more times before his lips inched their way down the side of her face, so he could sink his teeth into the delicate skin at the curve of her neck, eventually.

The whispered 'god' that escaped Stevie's swollen lips in response to his actions caused Lindsey to dig his nails into the space between her fingers. His lust for her was so apparent that Stevie swore she could feel his low deep groans vibrating from her neck all the way throughout her whole body.

"I feel so alive with you.", she admitted, her head tilting backwards to grant him even more access, "You make me feel so good, I..-"

"I know.", he interrupted her, "I feel just the same when I'm around you."

Only seconds later, she shuddered in his arms as his tongue trailed across the ridges of her ear. He had obviously not forgotten that it was an extra sensitive spot for her.

"Fuck," he muttered, his hands wandered up the lengths of her arms to wrap around her waist instead, one hand inching higher to squeeze a breast. Stevie moaned loudly, then turned in his arms to face him, clasp her hands behind his neck and take his lips in another hungry kiss.

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