Chapter 32

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"Be careful…" I ordered Christian as he stepped onto the rope bridge, but just as Aras started to follow, he stopped him.

"One at a time. I don't know how stable this thing is." He stated as he took another step, and the plank that he stepped on broke in half, and fell into the pit. "Like that."

"Jesus Christ." I breathed uneasily as he inched across, but eventually made it to the other side. Which was good, because I don't think I could see Robin lose his brother. But I much less wanted to see Christian not make it across.  

One by one we made it across, and once Robin and Christian was sure everyone was here, we continued onward. If it was possible, the cave grew darker the deeper we went. And it was getting harder to breathe, which meant the torches were burning out slowly. There wasn't lots of oxygen down here.

"We can't go much deeper." Christian insisted, but Robin shook his head.

"It can't be that much farther." Robin insisted, and I glanced nervously at him. He took my hand lightly in his.

"It'll be alright," He assured, "I promise."

I gave him a weak smile as we finally arrived at the end, and I mean the end. It was a dead end with nothing but dirt and stone around us.

"What?" Robin spastically waved his torch around, "This can't be right!"

"Were is it?" David finally spoke up after a while, and I sighed in disappointment at the two greedy pirates.

"There really was no treasure." Johan muttered, and Aras groaned angrily.

"So what, Robin?" Christian shot at him, "So there's no treasure. That's okay. It means that we're done and we can get out of here."

"No way." Robin and David argued back, and when they turned around to examine some more, I pulled Christian back aways.

"Elisa, I can't leave them here-" He started before I pressed my lips onto his, and I pulled away shortly after.

"I know. It's fine." I glanced back over, and they hadn't realized I'd left. "But I need to tell you something."

"Okay, shoot." He replied, and I pointed to David.

"You see him?" I asked, "That's David."

"Okay? He's part of Arthur's crew, right?" He asked, but I stared at him until he realized what I was saying. The he gasped and stared at David. "You mean… your brother David?"

"He didn't die after all." I smiled, "But he turned into such a greedy pirate over the nine years he was gone. It's like I barely know him anymore."

"It's been a long time…" He replied softly, "But I'm sure he can be changed back. Just be happy he's here. You won't be alone anymore."

"He told me he wasn't coming back to Kenilworth with me." I added immediately, "It's like I'm losing him again. He'll be gone, but this time I won't know if he's dead or not."

"I doubt it." He now gestured to Robin Hood, "My brother fought to find me when we were separated, and established his own little group to do so. That's the thing about brothers… they'll always stay true to their siblings."

"I know, but…" my voice fell to a whimper, "I never want to be alone again."

He kissed me gently, "You won't," and pulled me back into the group, "There's no gold or jewels here. Might as well turn around."

"I can't believe there's no treasure. I just can't believe it." Robin muttered angrily, kicking the wall once hard. "We're leaving empty handed."

"I wouldn't say that." Christian pulled me into him, "I found my treasure."

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