Chapter 3: Trouble at the Supermarket

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I smiled at the memory before I began to collect the items on the list. There weren't too many, so it didn't take me too long to retrieve them. People kept giving me weird glances which was most likely because my clothes were drenched. But really, you couldn't make it less obvious?

"Okay, last thing," I muttered to myself. Ice cream.

Tessa always eats ice cream. Not just any kind, though. Nope, she only eats carrot flavored ice cream.

Yep. You heard me.


I've snuck some before and let me tell you, it is completely disgusting. I have forever since regretted that mistake.

All three of the girls are health freaks. Like, as in they won't even look at desserts (except if it has vegetables in it or something) unless they are at a special event. I mean, it's not like Terri even forces Tessa and Alana to eat healthy foods. But somehow, they are just as picky as their mother. I like a variety of foods, so I usually buy my own stuff. Terri doesn't even notice, which I am very thankful for.

Apparently, Terri didn't even bother to write down the brand name. Instead the stupid paper just says: Carrot Stuff.

Thanks for that useful information.

Rolling my eyes, I navigated my way through the seemingly endless rows of merchandise. The freezer section was all the way at the end of the store. Walking into the dessert section, my eyes ran over all of the different ice cream flavors. There were so many, it's a shame Tessa wastes her money on that carrot crap.

"Bingo," I said under my breath as my gaze landed on the orange colored container.

I pushed the glass window to the side. I'm pretty sure that all of the doors/windows in this place slide. I stepped back for a moment to check the shelves again, just incase it was the wrong type.

Fortunately, there was only one ice cream container with carrots in it.

Right when my hand made contact with the box, another hand landed next to mine. I frowned as both of our hands plucked it out of the freezer. Neither of us let go so it just hung in between our bodies. I glanced at the stranger who was attempting to snag my cream.

A tall, hooded man stood feet away. He was wearing dark jeans along with a sweatshirt. I found it quite odd that he was wearing his hood up considering we were inside of the store. It almost seemed like he was trying not to draw attention to himself. He had some stubble on his chin which made me think that he was a bit older than me by a few years. Even though his eyes were shaded by the hood, I could tell they were an almost...familiar dark blue. Some of his dark hair was peeking out from under his hood, right above his eyebrows.

He cocked his head to the side, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked before narrowing my eyes.

"Um..I had this" I pointed to the box in our hands, hoping he'd let go.

But he just shook his head, his lips lifted at one side as he snatched the container out of my reach.

"Well, now it's mine" He stated with a shrug. I frowned again and tried to grab it back. Of course since he was taller than me, he easily moved out of my reach. The amused expression on his face was really starting to get on my nerves. It was like he was watching a child.

I am not a child.

"Hey, buddy, I had it first. Finders keepers." I snapped. He avoided my hands again.

He raised an eyebrow when I tried for the third time.

"Losers weepers." He said carelessly, his ocean blue eyes shone with amusement as I swiped at the air.

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