A message for you guys.....

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Umm...This happened yesterday day.And I wish I could show you the voice memo I made of it.It happened on an app called whisper.Please doNkt go download it without reading this or the reviews!I want you guys to know what happened to me.And why it is extremely dangerous for females and males.It happened yesterday.I posted a whisper of saying I may be a 'little' obsessed with a map Cretaceous and I am!But,The guy shipped Ben and Bumpy and that is fine not the problem but it gets personal.The worst thing was is he was 22 miles away from my current location he could have easily drove or walked there if I had the app longer.He asked my sex and I said female.No harm right?After I told my sex he said that what was my age.Now this got personal np because I can share my age with you guys because this app doesn't use your location.But Whisper does.And I was scared so I didn't tell him my age.He asked for my snap chat and I don't have one.I blocked him when I realized what was really going on,And deleted the app.Never going back there!And I had a lot of invites to be a sugar baby....And I looked it up.I honestly-,Don't know what to say.And I just hope neither of you guys do this.I was guinea pig so.Be grateful I was the test subject instead of you.It was my first time getting something like this but,I knew what to do because I listened to my parents.Here are some tips to know if it is a crappy person,A stalker,Hacker,scammer wahTever!

1:They will try to gain your trust first then ask for personal info.
2:They will start saying things that confuse you.
3:They will say inappropriate things.
4:Look for the hints of the message "DANGER!"(Exp.Hey can I have your number we should call!On this app you can't call.Anyways I'm 15((exp. age)).But I am sick so I will have my camera off.)
5:Block or delete(Better to do both) any suspicious accts,contacts,or calls.

Please listen to me!I didn't screen shot any of the messages because I was scared if I didn't block him remove him or even deleted the app I was going to get kidnapped and DIE.So I don't have proof but if an app uses your location please be very careful about it!I don't want you guys to risk this too!

Kenji x Ben(One shots and cracks)Where stories live. Discover now