II: No Good, Very Bad Day

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The boy muttered something under his breath, as if unaware of Severus. "They keep asking me about a scorpion and an Albus Severus Potter..." The boy's mouth barely moved, but it echoed loudly across the room.

"scorpion and an Albus Severus Potter..."

"an Albus Severus Potter..."

"Albus. Severus. Potter..."

Severus turned and ran. Perhaps transferring to Ilvermony wouldn't be so bad.

As soon as Snape exited the hall, he mentally scolded himself. It was probably a coincidence that Severus had a first name that was the same as Albus Severus Potter's middle name, and Potter was a relatively common last name. He was annoyed at falling for a ruse so foolish: Potter, or maybe Black set this all up. Severus was sure of it.

Snape stormed into Charms, cloak billowing, bracing himself to be called a coward by the Potter squad for running away from a scrawny boy. Strangely, today everyone seemed to be ignoring Severus, to busy talking among themselves. Severus frowned, wondering what gossip could be so juicy that it was on everyone's tongue. Snape went to his desk, which was right next to Andromeda Black (Sirius Black's cousin) and Pandora Goodbird, who were best friends, and concentrated on eavesdropping.

"Did you hear," Andromeda began, "that a boy fell out of the sky in one of the halls on a poor student. The person ran off, understandably, I mean, who wouldn't, getting a teenage boy dropped on your head. Probably thought He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was invading Hogwarts."

Severus gave a mental sigh of relief. No one knew he was there.

Pandora shivered. "I hope that dosen't happen. Hopefully, it won't. Who would want to attack a group of innocent children, especially when Professor Dumbledore is around?"

"I don't know," mused Andromeda. "To make a statement? Surely Dumbledoor and the other teachers will be able protect us."

"They will, they will," Pandora confirmed. "As long as Dumbledore's here, you can't be touched."

Andromeda smiled. "Either way, the teachers are taking care of it. I heard headmaster Dippet himself dragged the boy up to the teachers' offices for interrogation. Who knows, maybe he mis-apparated."

"Wait," Pandora interrupted. "In Hogwarts, a History, it says that people can't apparate in and out of Hogwarts. The magic border has been casted by the four founders themselves, some of the greatest wizards and witches of their age."

Andromeda pondered this. "Well, it has been around for over a hundred centuries. Perhaps it is getting weaker."

"Do you realize what you just said?!" Pandora shrieked, whirling around to face Andromeda nose-to-nose. Shaking Andromeda by the shoulders, she yelled, "We're doomed!"

Andromeda gave a loud shriek. "Thanks for making me nervous again!" she screamed angrily at Pandora. Severus watched the exchange quietly, mildly amused.

"Making you nervous? You suggested that the defensive spells on Hogwarts no longer work in the first place!" Pandora roared at Andromeda.

Andromeda opened her mouth to screech something at Pandora, but then Professor Thompson entered the room, and everything went still and quiet.

Professor Emily Thompson was a young woman of twenty-two, who was the most delightful person you could ever meet. She had soft brown eyes and a slim figure, her cloak and hat dyed a rich purple. She had a opal broach, and a thin golden ring on her finger, indicating her engagement to Doctor William Hawksworth, a successful doctor at St. Mungo's, who loved his job and patients. Emily Thompson was kind soul, teaching in ways that made learning Charms fun, and was the go-to adult to break up fights or to cry on someone's shoulder. Despite being only twenty-two, she was brimming with advice and wise words.

Arrival of the Ghost King [PJO x HP]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat