Chapter 6: Time's Toxicity (Part 2)

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Harry was grateful to leave the cramped shop after Lupin had paid for his new wand, there was something about Ollivander's eldritch presence that made both him and Venom uneasy, and his predilection for ominous predictions didn't exactly help matters.

"What shall we get next, Harry?" Lupin asked cheerfully, Harry wondered if he was trying to shake off the aura of Ollivander's shop too.

"Well, I still need my books, cauldron, robes, crystal or glass phials, a telescope, a basic set of potions ingredients, brass scales, and I can have a cat, a rat, or an owl." Harry recited from memory effortlessly. Silently, he was contemplating his newly purchased wand, it seemed wrong to attempt to shrink something so personal, but he couldn't think of anywhere convenient to keep it either.

You do remember We're currently wearing me, right? Venom asked sardonically.

Oh! Right. Harry hadn't considered that, but now that it had been said it did seem rather obvious. So, can you make me a pocket somewhere then? Venom's response was an odd slithering sensation from the fabric on the underside of Harry's right arm, Harry simply shifted the wand upward in his hand until the handle reached the nearest edge of the gap Venom had opened. Then the wand was pulled gently from his grasp, and, with another slithering shift of faux-fabric, the wand was nowhere to be seen and Harry's sleeve had become slightly heavier.

"I must admit, I still find it impressive that you can do that." Lupin chuckled, startling Harry for a moment before he realised the man was only marvelling at his ward's incredible memory.

"It's a gift." Harry shrugged.

As in, it's something I give to you and you do absolutely no work for? Venom asked innocently.

Yeah, that's what a gift is. Harry thought back, grinning.

"How about we go get your robes, then you can pick up your books while I grab your potions ingredients and phials? I know you hate the apothecary; we can meet at Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment when we're done?" Harry was grateful for Lupin's suggestion, while there were many benefits to Venom's enhancement of his senses, the odorous confines of the apothecary were not a place to be enjoyed with a super-human sense of smell.

"That sounds great, Moony, thanks." With their plan of action decided, Harry and Lupin set off for Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where they quickly purchased the required robes for Hogwarts. Harry was also able to wheedle Lupin into letting him buy a cloak like he had seen the man in the Alley wearing earlier, but Venom had shut him down before he could try to ask for the rest of the outfit.

You're not ready to try and look that regal yet, Harry. You'd only look ridiculous. The symbiote informed his host sternly.

But, Venom! Harry whined, not willing to give up on his dream of prowling through the Hogwarts halls like a badarse with his coat and flowing cloak billowing out behind him.

When you are older, Harry, when you are ready. Venom said sagely, ending the discussion. With that settled and the robes bought, Harry and Venom bade goodbye to Lupin and set off for Flourish & Blotts, once the latter had handed them a handful of galleons to make the purchases with.

Can you give me the list of books We need to get, Venom? Harry asked as they stepped through the door into the shop, weaving around an aggrieved looking elderly woman with a large stuffed vulture adorning her hat and a young boy who must have been her grandson.

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. Venom listed off quickly.

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