Chapter 4: Tranquility's Bane (Part 3)

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A loud pop heralded the arrival of the two wizards in a small -and rather dingy- yard, behind a slightly grubby and extremely old-looking pub. Harry looked questioningly at Remus, wondering why, exactly, he had taken them to such an odd place. Remus only smiled back at Harry knowingly, before walking toward the small door that lead into the pub and gesturing for the boy to follow.

"What is this place?" Harry asked, unamused by the older man's coyness.

"This," Remus said with a wave to indicate the unimpressive pub "is the Leaky Cauldron!" he said it as if he were a back-street conjurer revealing his greatest trick. Seeing that Harry remained unimpressed, he continued, "It's a famous place, it's the entry to Diagon Alley, the foremost wizarding shopping centre in all of Britain!"

Now Harry began to look impressed "It is? Can we go into Diagon Alley? Please?" For all that he had done and seen in the past few days, and even with a three-time centenarian alien bonded to his mind and body: in this moment, Harry Potter sounded just like any other little boy. Lupin couldn't help the broad smile that split his features at hearing his charge's pleas, even in the short time since he had been reunited with Harry, he had noticed the boy was oddly withdrawn and serious for his age. It was good to see him acting like the child he truly was for once, not to mention how it reminded him of James' pleading with Fleamont to take him to Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"Yes, Harry, we can go to Diagon Alley." Lupin said, knowing there was no way he could deny the young boy, "but," he cautioned holding up a stern finger "we have to get your new things from Muggle-London first, alright?"

"Aww" Harry moaned "do we have to? I've already been to Muggle-London, why can't we go to Wizard-London?" Lupin's smile became ever so slightly wider as Harry unknowingly parrotted his father's words, only in reverse.

"Yes, we have to. Even if you'll be going to Hogwarts soon, you'll still need clothes for when we're in Muggle-London. Besides," here he leaned down and whispered conspiratorially "we need to find something to cover that scar of yours."

"Why do we need to cover my scar?" Harry asked confused, he had always rather liked his scar, it looked cool!

"Did Dumbledore not tell you?" Lupin asked, seemingly shocked.

"Tell me what?" From the look of growing sorrow on Lupin's face, Harry could tell it wasn't good, but he couldn't think what it could be that meant he needed to hide his scar. "I know Voldemort killed my parents," Lupin twitched once more at hearing the name, "if that's what you mean, and he said it was 'my mother's sacrifice' that stopped him from killing me. But he didn't explain what that meant." It was the first time Harry had realised how vague Dumbledore had been about what happened.

Lupin stopped his walk toward the door and turned to face his young companion "You're famous, Harry. Quite possibly the most famous person in our world, I doubt you'll ever meet a witch or wizard who doesn't know your name."

"I'm famous!?" Harry was amazed.

You're famous!? Venom couldn't contain his surprise either.

"Yes." Lupin nodded firmly.

"How? Why am I famous? I've never done anything!"

Hey, We did kill a bunch of ancient monsters in a secret tomb underneath an Ancient Egyptian temple you know? Venom sounded almost offended that Harry could so easily forget their recent exploits.

Of course I know, Venom. Harry thought back exasperatedly but no one else knows that, so that can't be why We're famous.

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