Chapter 4: Tranquility's Bane (Part 1)

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Review Answers:

RedBurningDragon: So can Venom in theory use the knowledge from the god brain he ate to learn the language? Unfortunately for Venom, no, the Locust God was already dead when Venom ate its brain, and Venom can't absorb knowledge from dead tissue.

AndyPCJW42: Are the horcruxes still in this story, as I don't think Venom would like to share Harry's head with the horcrux as well somehow? To the first part of the question, yes, the Horcruxes will be part of this story. As for the fate of the Horcrux in Harry's head, that you're just going to have to wait and see to find out. Venom and Harry have no idea about the Horcrux and what may have happened to it because the Horcrux is an entirely magical entity and Venom is entirely mundane. He would have no way of detecting it, particularly since it is, or would be, completely dormant. At this point, as in canon, only one person in the entire world knows about Voldemort's Horcruxes: Voldemort. Besides, Venom has never bonded to a human before, even if he could detect what may or may not be in Harry's head, he wouldn't have any way of knowing it was anything out of the ordinary.

Kutsuu Mugen: Where can I get translations of the speech of the Locust God (who I assume is called Ba'al)? To be completely honest, I'm not sure I'll ever give translations for what the Locust God said, none of it was really very important. It wasn't called Ba'al though, although given what I intended that to mean, it would be as good a name as any.

Author's Note: Hello, and welcome to the next chapter of Lethal Injection! I have to say: this chapter is less action-packed than previous ones. It focuses on character development and background instead of Harry kicking the shit out of people as Venom so that, later, Harry can kick the shit out of people, and it can have narrative significance. Seriously though, this stuff is at least as important as the fighting, if not more so. Would you have cried when Dobby died if you had skipped all the parts where his interaction with Harry wasn't action-oriented? No! Now, I'm not going to try and claim I'll ever be good enough to get you that emotionally invested in a character, but you will get more out of this story if you read the quiet stuff as well as the action sequences.

Also, anyone who tries to say that they didn't cry when Dobby died? You're a goddamn liar and we all fucking know it, how dare you try to cheapen his sacrifice like that.

Finally, fun fact I learned from a review: Apparently, Harry lives in England, not Beirut. No idea what that means, but good to know I suppose. On that note, if you're going to leave a review; I don't mind if it's critical, it's just a lot more helpful if I understand what it's supposed to mean.

Disclaimer: I own neither Venom nor Harry Potter.

Following Dumbledore's swift departure, there was something of an awkward silence between the two remaining occupants of the well-appointed flat. Both were feeling the awkwardness of being alone with a stranger who was also practically family. Harry attempted to escape the mounting awkwardness by continuing his inspection of Lupin's flat and silently hoping the other man would be the first to break the silence.

The apartment was spacious, with a large sitting room, fully furnished kitchen, and several doors that lead off into other rooms Harry hadn't yet had a chance to explore. The decor was modern, almost industrial, with lots of straight lines and hard angles, and what few paintings decorated the walls were all either cityscapes or people. The sitting room itself contained a single large armchair, set looking out over the city with a small bookcase doubling as a side-table next to it, a comfortable leather sofa facing toward a large brick fireplace, and a glass coffee table set in front of the sofa.

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