Chapter 2: Toxic Travel (Part 1)

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Authors Note: Hello all! Here's chapter 2, there are some minor differences between reality and this story in this chapter. Since there's already magic and an alien symbiote involved, however, I trust it won't be too much of a distraction for those who are able to notice what precisely those differences are. Although no one has asked this question, I want to talk about it, so thank you TotallyRealPersonWhoAskedAboutThis92. The title of the story is a reference to a few things, stylistically it's a cross between the title style of Venom comics and the Harry Potter books. Lethal Injection is a reference to, obviously, a lethal injection, but also to the title of the first-ever Venom solo series 'Lethal Protector.' Not to mention that Venom has been 'injected' into the Harry Potter universe and the consequences will be quite lethal to many people. As for why I decided to make it so Harry can't cook: that's actually a fanon invention, in the books and movies the closest he gets is being asked to "watch the bacon" which is quite a long way from being forced to cook every meal. Not to mention he's hopeless at cooking during the Horcrux hunt. Also, in case anyone is wondering, the reason why "we" is always capitalised for Venom and Harry it's because, given that they are a gestalt entity, "we" for them is the same as "I" for a normal person. Meaning it has to be capitalised. In any case, onward!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Venom.

Harry and Dumbledore appeared on the doorstep of No. 4 Privet Drive with an almost inaudible popping sound. Harry couldn't help but wonder why Dumbledore's apparition was so much quieter than his own.

Probably because he's better at it than you. Venom offered, mock-scornfully.

That would make sense. Harry agreed placidly, ignoring his Other's attempt at irritating him. He had already learned that Venom enjoyed pushing his buttons.

Only because I can't push anyone else's. Besides, you're never a smart-arse to anyone, and I have to get my fix somehow.

It's rude to listen in on people's thoughts you know.

Weak, Harry, you'll have to do better than that. Their silent conversation was disrupted by Dumbledore's firm knocking upon the Dursley's door. Moments later, the sound of heavy footsteps approached from the other side of the door before it was wrenched open, and Vernon Dursley's purple face and bushy moustache appeared in the gap. It was a surprisingly intact face, given that the last time Harry had seen it he had slammed it into several walls and the floor of the Dursley's kitchen.

I guess magic must be able to heal a broken face. Venom offered the obvious solution to his host's unasked question, causing Harry to nod slightly in agreement. Uncle Vernon, meanwhile, had seen Dumbledore's rather eclectic attire and Harry's small hand grasped in the headmaster's own gnarled one, prompting a vein to begin throbbing violently in his left temple.

Despite his obvious rage, Vernon's voice was quiet, although oddly strained, as he spoke; "Ah, you found the... dear boy." He offered a very unconvincing smile to the pair but didn't move to open the door further or move out of what little space there was to enter the house.

"Indeed." Dumbledore's voice remained genial, but his eyes were hard behind his half-moon spectacles. "Perhaps you could stand aside so we may enter?" As he spoke, Harry noticed Dumbledore's long and knobbly wand had somehow appeared in his hand, despite the aged sorcerer making no visible movement to draw it. Vernon's face rapidly paled as he practically leapt aside, clearly more afraid of the wand than unwilling to allow Harry back into his home.

Looks like someone already had a bit of a chat with the Dursleys. Venom did little to try and disguise the glee in his deep voice.

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